Sexing baby panther chameleon


First post, first time chameleon owner. Got this amazing little guy (??) from a reptile show 3 weeks ago. My gut feeling says it’s a male, but would like some insight from others who are more knowledgeable and experienced. I tried to zoom in some of the photos. The last photo is just for fun, reminded me of a little dinosaur


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I would say you got a little girl. Not a hundred percent sure so I hope someone else chips in but I think you may have a girl. ❤️

Congrats! 🎊🎉 I hope you have a great time with your cham. If you need any help just holler. What’s his/her name?
Here are some links if you need help with husbandry: Chameleon Academy ~ YouTube ~ Neptune The Chameleon ~ YouTube
Here are some links for food and supplies: Food ~ Food as well ~ Leap Supplies ~ Arcadia
And here is a link for some discounts: Neptune the Chameleon Discount
Enjoy your new chameleon!😊

It could take up to 2 weeks for a new chameleon to get settled into their new home. During that time you want to give your cham space, no handling, and you don’t really want he. To see you just staring at them. You want them to have a good first impression in their new home. I did this with my cham and he has settled in perfectly. Here are 2 video links that you should watch for when you get your new chameleon: Chameleon Academy Neptune the Chameleon
S/he is fascinating. I added a new pothos plant to the enclosure and you would have thought s/he was at Disneyland!! It’s so interesting to watch the colors change in different situations, even when the lights first come on in the morning, the transition is amazing. I’ve been watching videos from both Neptune and Chameleon academy since the little guy/gal is just in a starter enclosure at the moment. Doing a lot of research for when s/he is ready for the full sized enclosure, collecting plants already. If it’s a male, I want to name him Jeremiah (as in Jeremiah was a bullfrog 😂). Still thinking of a good female name. (Sweet) Caroline maybe??
I absolutely love the name ideas. Kudos on getting stated on making adjustments to the enclosure. Their ability to change color is amazing! Best of luck with your new chameleon! 👍🏽 😊
I’m a classic rock girl all the way. New music can’t even compare. Thank you for your response and your support. Having mostly dealt with geckos and snakes, I was scared to get a chameleon, but the breeder was great and had the setup ready to go, I literally had to plug it in, everything was already set to a timer. He checked in with me every day the first week and has been responsive when I reach out. Took away a lot of the guess work while I spend time learning to care for an adult.
Seems like you have a great breeder! Good that you have dealt with other reptiles. Also nice you have got timers. 😁
So I’ve heard! I actually grabbed an extra one from wal mart, just to have on hand. The weather here in SoCal can be a little unpredictable and extreme, plus humidity is very low. I have a feeling I may have to add a little extra heat or cooling when the weather isn’t behaving. I already had to set up a humidifier because I just couldnt keep the humidity level up. Worked like a charm!
Great! I think your chameleon will love their new home! Keep us posted on your chameleon with pictures and messages! Feel free to ask for anything! ❤️
I appreciate it. I’ve lurked on a couple groups to gather information and this one seems the most understanding. If it ends up being a female, at what age (or weight?? I’m used to crested geckos where everything happens according to size, not age so much), should I put out a laying bin? And are there any special considerations (change in temperature, humidity, feeding requirements, etc.) when that time comes? What is the best laying material for the bin?
I’ll check those out and be prepared!! I really appreciate you taking the time to respond and chat a little. It helps to have support. Most of my friends wouldn’t touch any type of reptile with a 10 foot pole. I try and change their minds but no luck… their loss!! I want to give the best care regardless of gender. I’ll post more pictures as time goes on. Have a great evening!!
Hi and welcome!!!! Such a little cutie 😍😍😍

Idk much about girls, but I do know you can reduce their diet and temps (not sure at what age) to lower egg production and prolong their life. I won’t say more than that though cause I’ve not much knowledge about it 😅

So glad to have you here! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and keep those baby pics coming!
Hi and welcome to you and your beautiful little Sweet Caroline! Great taste in music btw. 🥰 I just love panther girls…they are every bit as amazing as the boys…just a bit more subtle. While it’s written primarily for veileds, this will help with the egg laying process. The main difference is that panthers mature much slower than veileds and you don’t want to limit their food at such a young age...wait until they lay their first clutch of eggs or reach a year old at least. I’m glad you found your way here and look forward to seeing more of you and Caroline.
Agree, I’m excited to have a female. Even the guy from chameleon academy (forgive me, I forgot his name) says he really loves raising the girls.

Agree, girl 😍
I’m excited to have a girl. The more I learn about them, I can just tell that they are wonderful to keep. The guy from Chameleon Academy (forgive me, I forgot his name) said in one of his videos that he loves caring for the females. Thank you for your response. I’ll post pictures as she grows up. The breeder I got her from showed me a photo of the mom. If I remember correctly, she had a lot of blue in her coloring.
Hello, welcome, and I believe you have a beautiful girl ❤️❤️❤️
Thank you for your response. She is beautiful. I love her. I see a lot of the peach coming out in the coloring. Also some rich greens, especially around the face and legs. She puffed up her neck once… not sure why, but it was a striking orange color. The breeder showed me a photo of the mother and I seem to remember her having a lot of blue.
Hi and welcome!!!! Such a little cutie 😍😍😍

Idk much about girls, but I do know you can reduce their diet and temps (not sure at what age) to lower egg production and prolong their life. I won’t say more than that though cause I’ve not much knowledge about it 😅

So glad to have you here! Don’t be afraid to ask questions, and keep those baby pics coming!
Thank you. It means a lot having people with experience to talk to about it. I’ll definitely post lots of photos. Everything she does amazes me.
Hi and welcome to you and your beautiful little Sweet Caroline! Great taste in music btw. 🥰 I just love panther girls…they are every bit as amazing as the boys…just a bit more subtle. While it’s written primarily for veileds, this will help with the egg laying process. The main difference is that panthers mature much slower than veileds and you don’t want to limit their food at such a young age...wait until they lay their first clutch of eggs or reach a year old at least. I’m glad you found your way here and look forward to seeing more of you and Caroline.
That’s what I’ve heard about the females, a lot of people seem to prefer them because of their softer temperaments. The link on egg laying didn’t come through on my end… I’m glad I found you guys too. I genuinely appreciate everyone’s kind responses… and meeting some people with great taste in music 🎶
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