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New Member
Went to the white plains show today and saw 2 flapneck chameleons. One was a baby about the size of my pinky and even a little smaller. He had one eye closed and I was nervous to buy him because he was WC. I saw another flapneck that was WC but was with the vendor for about 4 months now and he made a nice poop in the container, and was very active. I decided to take a shot and get him. He hasnt eaten anything Ive put in the cage but Im going to give him time. My main concern is the humidity is only 20%. I have dripping water, I mist him and the tank but nothing will raise it. Any ideas?

Heres some pics of him!


Also forgot to mention the day time temps are about 70-75 because the vendor I bought him from said to use a 40W daytime bulb but I dont think its good enough. Also wanted to mention I got him from Allen Both of Reptile Kingdom who had some nice chameleons.
I am not familiar with the flapneck but he's absolutely gorgeous!! Great find for both of you! As for the humidity, it does seem low - if you add some live plants to the viv, that should help raise the humidity. As far as daytime basking temps they also seem low but I can't say for certain. I'm hopeful someone with flapneck experience will chime in. Good luck with your new family member! ;)
Thank you, and that was his color right out of the container. I cant wait to see him later on lol. But more importantly I guess you could consider the plant he's hanging from live, because it does have roots but no leaves. Lol :)
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