My panther chameleon eating watercress..good for him?


New Member
I was just messing around and i was hand feeding my Panther a meal worm by putting it on top of a piece of watercress on my hand.... He took the worm along with the piece of watercress and ate it... I did it a few times and he ate both the worm and the watercress.... Has anyone else tried feeding veggies to their chams this way? Watercress should be good addition to his diet ,right?
I was just messing around and i was hand feeding my Panther a meal worm by putting it on top of a piece of watercress on my hand.... He took the worm along with the piece of watercress and ate it... I did it a few times and he ate both the worm and the watercress.... Has anyone else tried feeding veggies to their chams this way? Watercress should be good addition to his diet ,right?

Not sure if watercress is good or not, I feel like I read somewhere it is, but cant remember where so dont quote me on that or act upon it as advice.

As far as introducing vegetables that way, that is kind of how it was suggested I get my beardie to eat his vegetables.
Watercress is fine as long as it's given in moderation. The only concern is that it does have a fair amount of vitamins a and it so you would not want to overdo it. It's also just a great source of water and probably has much more than the average insect which is where many chameleons get a large part of water in their diet.

I have never gotten any of my panthers to eat any vegetables. But I'll keep trying…
I was just messing around and i was hand feeding my Panther a meal worm by putting it on top of a piece of watercress on my hand.... He took the worm along with the piece of watercress and ate it... I did it a few times and he ate both the worm and the watercress.... Has anyone else tried feeding veggies to their chams this way? Watercress should be good addition to his diet ,right?

Watercress is high in oxalic acid, and thus should be offered sparingly at most.
better choices might be arugula, romaine, dandelion, endive, grape vine leaves...
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