L.williamsi (Electric Blue Day Geckos)

Can I ask how u catch them to move tanks?? Mine are so crazy fast!! I have lots of eggs in their tank and like to move them out so they hatch in peace.
Can I ask how u catch them to move tanks?? Mine are so crazy fast!! I have lots of eggs in their tank and like to move them out so they hatch in peace.

Sorry for the delay. Havent been as active on the forum lately..

I have a little trick to catch them. I use a 32oz container ( like the ones used for fruitfly cultures.)

I skip a day or 2 of feeding. Then using calcium powder i dust the upper 1/4 of the inside of the container. Then i put either small dubias or dusted fruitflies in the container.

Just place the container in the tank, they will go in after the feeders. But will not be able to climb the dusted portion to get back out. ( With powder on their pads it makes it hard for them to get a foothold.).

The new enclosure should be fully misted before putting them back in. This way the wet surface will wash their feed clean as they move about.
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