It lives!


New Member
So I ordered some hornworms. Sadly, I forgot to get the mail. :( and I found them in the mail box the next day. I was soo mad cuz I thought they were all dead. But I put them under a heat lamp and they started wiggling! All but one, who I presumed was dead before by the way he looked.

So Im happy! And so is Lennon who is loving them!

And my boyfriend turns 21 today so good day!
oh wow. lol never mind. i read that a little too fast and not good lol. sorry about the lost of your hornworm. hahaha i thought we were talking about a chameleon. haha. i feel like a dummy. :p
thats fortunate! once i thought i killed a full container of waxworms that i forgot were in the fridge, but they all started wiggling within the hour. big price difference but still good to have alive worms :)
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