Chevy check in - I am just worried because of MBD.


Okay I will copy and paste the help me form below. I think is he doing good, but I don't know because I am a first time owner. The opening of the mouth thing kind of bothers me. Granted I have seen no saliva build up or his nose being stuffed, he looks good minus the MBD. Am I just being paranoid? I have attached photos of his current status as of today what he looks like versus a few weeks ago on my first posting in the forum. Its probably wordy, but I didn't want to leave anything out.

Chameleon Info:
• Your Chameleon – Veiled Chameleon, Male, about 6 months old, Had him since May 09, 2014. (NEW OWNER OF ANY REPTILE)
• Handling – We take him out for maybe an hour. Now that isn’t full handling by us, we hold him for a little bit, but he goes on our tree in the living room and then we generally take him and put him back after about an hour.
• Feeding – Large & Small Crickets about 10 to 12 a day; mealworms about 2 a day; superworms (he has had maybe 2 in the past 2 weeks, they are big, so I try not to give those to him), I am waiting for the silk worms, butter worms and roaches to arrive, He gets fed everyday in the morning about an hour after wake up time. I place the orange cubes in with the crickets along with greens and carrots such as spinach, kale and cauliflower.
• Supplements – Repti Calcium Without D3 at every feed lightly dusted on all crickets, Flukers Calcium With D3 every other Sunday along with Exo Terra Multi Vitamin.
• Watering – Automatic Misting system set at 4 hours for 60 seconds. I have seen him drink the water that is dripping from leaves. I haven’t seen him do it a lot, but he could be doing it when we aren’t looking so I can’t be 100% on that.
• Fecal Description – Brown and White, same normal amount. No problem here as He goes pretty frequently.
• History – He has MBD. I was helped out my this forum and was told my little guy had MBD and to get to a vet. SO I did. He Was given Calcium then I was told to dust crickets at every feed with the proper supplements as listed above (multi-vitamin and calcium with D3 only every other Sunday). I also began added the veggies in to the crickets diet to give. This all took place around the 22nd of August when he was diagnosed. He was also in a glass enclosure which I changed to a full screen as of Friday with a pothos. I have attached photos. I am not sure if I am just being paranoid because I am a new reptile owner, and it was entirely my fault for the MBD because I was miss-guided by Pets Mart and I should have done more research than I did. Since he was found to have MBD, I have followed instructions and I just want to make sure or ask what you think. He does walk well, doing the dancing walk, he eats pretty well by catching them from around the cage or I made a feeder bowl that he grabs them out of. He hangs from his tail once in a while, he has gotten bigger since I started the new diet and vitamins, he shed with tail only, still haven’t seen his shed the other parts of his body. He climbs without an issue.

Cage Info:
• Cage Type – All Screen, 18 x 18 x 36 (will be getting larger one soon, this was to get him out of the glass quickly).
• Lighting – UVB 5.0 Reptisun, Backing bulb by zoo med at 75W, and the long tube Florissant (have no clue if I spelled that right?). Okay I tuen the lights on when we get up in morning around 8am to 9am and they get turned off at bedtime around 9pm is when we usually put him to bed.
• Temperature – Up at the highest point where he basks it ranges from 85 to 95F, then lower go to around 75ish, at nighttime it seems to go around 70ish, I have an electronic temperature gauge.
• Humidity – this ranges from 40 to 60 depending on when the misters go off of course. I put a live pothos in there as I was told that live plants are much better and would help to maintain humidity.
• Plants – Yes - pothos
• Placement – He is catty corned in the Dining room on top of a stand that elevates its about 3 ft up, ceiling fan in there, but not directly over the cage, no vents over cage either.
• Location – Casa Grande, Arizona

Current Problem – Mostly I am curios what you think about how he looks now versus a few weeks ago. I know that it takes time. Given that he is mobile, climbing, eating, and drinking, I have seen him open his mouth and stay that way for a few moments, he also puffs up like an attitude (kind of funny), he puffs his chin and like blows up his abdomen. Am I just being paranoid? I am open and okay to any form of advice whether its to tell me I am doing something wrong or whatever else. I basically don’t mind criticism because his health is #1 for me right now.


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i'm still going to go with its him gaping those branches seem really close to the top, and how you measuring temps? is it the cage thats at the back there because tats not exactly where the basking spot is, as well where you measuring at? people have a tendency to measure the temp at the branch not realizing the back of the chameleon can prob be as much as 3 inches higher and make a big heat difference.

the easiest solution to find if its gaping or not is to lower the basking branch, get lower watt bulb or put the fixture higher to decrease the temp a bit. as mentioned earlier seems really close to the top want to be careful he cant burn his casque
Okay thank you, that was a huge help. I was also wondering about the height of how I placed the branches as well as it being a good temperature. I am going to rearrange the branches. The basking bulb is the one in the picture that is all the way to the left on the top back of the enclosure. I actually picked up actual branches that are thicker and have some texture for him to grasp onto better than the ones that are currently in there. The thermostat for the electronic piece is in his cage placed at the top where he has been basking under the basking light all the way at the top far left.

Hard work!! But I honestly love the challenge and the learning experience from him and all of you.
a temp gun or a probe is best to get directly under where the bulb is an inch or 2 can make several degrees difference in temps. i have a probe tied to my basking branch that sticks 1-2 inches higher than the branch itself plus have a temp gun. usually a branch 6 inches or so away from the fixture is a safe distance
Poor guy, I'm really glad you're helping him past his MBD.

I have a comment on your thermometer. I see the great choice combo thermometer and hygrometer. I had one of those, too... They are not at ALL accurate. The same is true for most of the analog thermometers I've come across. Next time you're in a pet store take a look at a row of them. Despite hanging back to back they'll all have wildly different numbers.

I think you've got the temp dialed in pretty good, though. Maybe a tiny bit high. The gaping sure does look like a basking thing. My guy does the same thing when he's a bit hot outside.

Keep diligent with the supplementation and this guy should live happily ever after!
Are you still giving him extra calcium?
Kinyonga - I am a newbie so define extra calcium, I am not sure what you mean there:) I have been dusting with Calcium without D3 at every feed, and there others every other week. If I should give him more, I will certainly do that. I do have a bottle of liquid Calcium. If you think I should add more Calcium please tell me what I need to do and I will do it. Because I am fresh with this, I don't want to over do supplements cause that would be really bad. Any advice you offer I will take and utilize. Whatever I can do to make him comfortable and as healthy as I can, I am persist ant!
a temp gun or a probe is best to get directly under where the bulb is an inch or 2 can make several degrees difference in temps. i have a probe tied to my basking branch that sticks 1-2 inches higher than the branch itself plus have a temp gun. usually a branch 6 inches or so away from the fixture is a safe distance
jamjam - Thanks so much for being specific, that helps a lot with me because I am still learning. I appreciate the time everyone is taking on helping me make this little guy safe.
Poor guy, I'm really glad you're helping him past his MBD.

I have a comment on your thermometer. I see the great choice combo thermometer and hygrometer. I had one of those, too... They are not at ALL accurate. The same is true for most of the analog thermometers I've come across. Next time you're in a pet store take a look at a row of them. Despite hanging back to back they'll all have wildly different numbers.

I think you've got the temp dialed in pretty good, though. Maybe a tiny bit high. The gaping sure does look like a basking thing. My guy does the same thing when he's a bit hot outside.

Keep diligent with the supplementation and this guy should live happily ever after!
inlinefourpower - If you are referring to that circular one I had way back there, it actually stopped working, and I just hadn't removed it till now because I forgot about it, so thanks! I have some form of a electronic one that has a sensor for Temp and Sensor for Humidity that I can placed in different areas in his cage. So I placed the Temp sensor up by the basking light and the other kind of lower to just watch the humidity.
To correct MBD you have to give extra calcium until the bones are strong again (until his blood calcium levels are good again). Then keeping the proper supplementing regime along with proper UVB light and appropriate insect feeding/gutloading and temperatures it should not return.
To correct MBD you have to give extra calcium until the bones are strong again (until his blood calcium levels are good again). Then keeping the proper supplementing regime along with proper UVB light and appropriate insect feeding/gutloading and temperatures it should not return.
Okay - so should I give him say Liquid calcium everyday for a certain period of time along with the dusted that he already receives? Thanks again. Much appreciated.
Take him outside for some natural sunlight as much as humanly possible. The sun is leagues more powerful and healthier than the UV lights we provide for our chams indoors.
I agree 100%. I am weary about that right now only because I live in Arizona, and we are still in high 100's. I will definitely be taking him out when we get below 100.
I give the liquid and regular supplements until the MBD is corrected and then just the regular.
Sounds like a grand plan! Funny side note - So I attempted the liquid, upon placing the dropper close to his mouth he flung his head booth left and right. I looked at my husband and said "did he really just shake his head NO?" WE both laughed. Good ending though as I again dangled it over his head where a drop was started to come out and he opened his mouth as if he thought it was water. Definitely didn't like the taste or something cause he backed up rather quickly. But like I said, it got done. So I will give him liquid everyday until he gets better.

Thanks again!
Chevy - Update on possible gaping from too much heat

Okay - so I believe the wonderful help I received from a few of the fellow communers here was exactly on key! I rearranged his cage, moving branches at least 6 inches below the basking and I have not once seen him open his mouth indicating that he is way too hot. Seems much better now:)

It is refreshing to see you step in and learn quickly how to give this chameleon a chance.

You also seem to actually listen and put into action what you learn…what a unique approach….:)


Nick :D

It is refreshing to see you step in and learn quickly how to give this chameleon a chance.

You also seem to actually listen and put into action what you learn…what a unique approach….:)


Nick :D
Thank you Nick:) I am one of those people that when I ask for help, I expect to get both criticism back as well as advice, because both tend to work effectively. I never mind the help. Ever since I found out what he has, and with all of the advice on here, I have tried to put all of it to play and, I am seeing good results. I wouldn't even care if there was a possibility that I couldn't save him because in my eyes, he breathes and feels just as I do so therefor he will get what ever he needs to make it. I really believe with the approaches we have taken he is going to love a long happy life. with rearranging his cage earlier, I placed really good branches in there and he likes that much better, has been all over the cage and no more gapping for too much because I lower his basking area. He has found a spot on one of the longer branches that are horizontal and off to bed he went. So I turned his light off and called it a day:)
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