Yemen/Veiled Chameleon Ideal Weight?


New Member
Hi everyone.

Can anyone tell me the ideal weight range for a 7" (snout to vent) 11month old Male Veiled Chameleon?

Does 140g sound overweight?
Thank you.

After surgery Vet said he was over weight and needed to lose some fat storage but I'm not so sure. Thanks for replying.

My Chameleon had an xray which you can see on my other thread 'yemen chameleon problems-Help!' . We decided (me and Vet) to undergo surgery to open him up and take a look at what the mass was. He Confirmed that organs for what he could see were normal and come to the conclusion that he was fat because of his fat reserves he came across and thinking it was the fat stores that was causing pressure. No blockage detected at all as he said. The xrays are interesting-I suggest you take a look and tell me what u think.

I look forward to hearing from you and anyone els.

Thanks all
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