Update on one of the boys


Established Member
Thought I would post a few pics of my boys. This guy always comes out on my shoulder why I am doing the morning rounds. The friendliest ever to people and the ladies but goes postal when he see's another male LOL

We love the way he has turned out!

Please forgive the cruddy pics, just with the phone.


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Wow, he is incredible! I love the contrast between the hot red and yellows and the cool white/light blue of his lateral stripe :)
wow, stunning boy you have there matt. he just doesn't want the other chams to get everyone's attention. :)
WOW!!! on FIRE!

Thanks Rob... He is half brother to your George

Wow, he is incredible! I love the contrast between the hot red and yellows and the cool white/light blue of his lateral stripe :)

I need to get a good camera to try to catch his true colors!! This guy is glowing in person!

He is gorgeous! Those colors :eek: Very nice!


wow, stunning boy you have there matt. he just doesn't want the other chams to get everyone's attention. :)

Haha thanks man!! I am def his favorite in the house!! Must be all the treats!

He's unreal, you should call him the fireman.:D

Thanks!! Yeah we are pretty fond of him! We named him Capone, since he thinks he rules the roost
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