Swollen Casque

Lukie Pookie

New Member
I just purchased a seemingly healthy veiled chameleon from an online ad. When I was picking up the chameleon from its previous owner, I realized that the casque was quite swollen. I did not think this to be abnormal, at the time. I also noticed that the previous owner left a surplus of crickets inside the enclosure. The previous owner also mentioned that the chameleon was shedding and that sometimes the crickets would come up and eat at his dead skin. I am not sure if this is completely normal or if he has some sort of odd disease. I need help ASAP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.s. The chameleon is 2 1/2 years


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This is usually caused by extra fluid of some kind. And it may very well be a allergic reaction to something. Its extremely hard being as they store fat in the casque, that of course looks like either a really well fed boy, or it very well could be one of the following. Fungal infection/infection, tumor, ALLERGIC REACTION. Very hard to diagnose without a vet visit. You can try showering him more then usual, often that helps with most aliments.
Note- From the picture, it looks like his casque has some built up old shed, he may have some stuck shed that is causing issues with the growth of his casque causing a fluid build up.

Right now the most possible reason would be the crickets biting Boba Fett (Mr. Shameleon). The previous owner left many many crickets in the terrarium over a long period of time and I am sure they multiplied at least once while they were in there. :mad:
Right now the most possible reason would be the crickets biting Boba Fett (Mr. Shameleon). The previous owner left many many crickets in the terrarium over a long period of time and I am sure they multiplied at least once while they were in there. :mad:

The crickets multiplying wouldn't be the problem. Breeding crickets is hard enough let alone them breeding and the soil actually being the right temp, having the crickets breed and lay without the male crickets eating the eggs, then also incubating and growing to a dangerous size. Pinheads are not threatening.

I would say the problem is improper gutloading of the crickets so that there is a bad build inside the chameleon like gout of some sort. I would recommend a vet visit for this.
Oh wow. Normally I would say that a large casque is from over feeding and the animal is fat, but that looks way too big to be from just fat. I would suggest a vet visit and contacting one of the vets on the forums (Dr. O or Ferretinmyshoes) and asking them about it/what they would recommend.
Is it just me or is it missing the actual "crest" part of it up near the top. doesn't look like it comes up like this ^ on it... maybe it's just me
This is usually caused by extra fluid of some kind. And it may very well be a allergic reaction to something. Its extremely hard being as they store fat in the casque, that of course looks like either a really well fed boy, or it very well could be one of the following. Fungal infection/infection, tumor, ALLERGIC REACTION. Very hard to diagnose without a vet visit. You can try showering him more then usual, often that helps with most aliments.
Note- From the picture, it looks like his casque has some built up old shed, he may have some stuck shed that is causing issues with the growth of his casque causing a fluid build up.

How would you remove excess shed? Or can you?
casque was quite swollen

My Jackson female has developed this and am interested as to what is the fix. I removed the shed skin that was stuck on it and it was sticky and discolored under neath on that side. The other side was normal. I have had her about a year and she is pregnant. Looks quite swollen and sore. She will not open her eye on that side.
My Jackson female has developed this and am interested as to what is the fix. I removed the shed skin that was stuck on it and it was sticky and discolored under neath on that side. The other side was normal. I have had her about a year and she is pregnant. Looks quite swollen and sore. She will not open her eye on that side.

u need to start your own thread and fill out the ask for help form in the health clinic section. We can help you better as each situation is individual
That is very very sad. :( I would def. get a hold of either of these two members: ferretinmyshoes or dr.o with tye dye chameleons. They are both veterinarians. They will more than likely recommend u taking your Cham to the vets office for fecal testing amoungst other treatments possibly :(
Better Place

Thanks for all of your replies. With all of the business going on around the house and such we could not bring him to the vet nor could we afford one atm. We were able to find a good sanctuary in St. Catharines for a place that would take care of Boba Fett. I'll surely miss him but I'm glad that he is in a place that will care for him to the greatest of their abilities.
That is surely the best thing for him and I'm glad you've made the choice that was in his best interest.
Kudos to you!
Thanks. It feels really odd when his cage is dark and all empty inside. I've only had him for a few weeks but it I already miss him. After we clean his cage up we'll have a new baby panther on the way :D
Wait, you could not afford to take this one to the vet or had the time for him, yet you are getting a baby panther?

I'm sorry, but that sounds very irresponsible to me. A panther can have just as many problems as a veiled.

If you can't afford to properly take care of a pet then you should not own one.

I know this is harsh, but it is very true. I hate when people get an animal and can't take care of it properly.
Wait, you could not afford to take this one to the vet or had the time for him, yet you are getting a baby panther?

I'm sorry, but that sounds very irresponsible to me. A panther can have just as many problems as a veiled.

If you can't afford to properly take care of a pet then you should not own one.

I know this is harsh, but it is very true. I hate when people get an animal and can't take care of it properly.
We didn't have the time for him because we were in the process of moving. We bought a chameleon with the terrarium that was too small for him and he was already sick when he was purchased from the owner. Nursing him back to health would mean buying a new setup and medication and having to pay for the vet visits. Again we are moving and we don't have that kind of money right now. Buying a baby chameleon now we can somewhat control the what he gets fed, the conditions he's in etc. Now because the chameleon we are getting is smaller the vet visits will be cheaper. Of course he will grow but when he does grow we'll have more money to throw to the vet.
Your vet charges by how big the animal is? Usually vets charge by the type of animal, so exotics are more expensive anyways.

I understand that you didn't have the money to take care of an unexpected rescue with health issues, but don't assume that any problems the baby may get will be cheap(er). Babies can have all sorts of issues that are very expensive to take care of (or sometimes can't be dealt with because they are so small.) Always have a pretty big stash of money hidden away for emergency vet visits. Most issues are going to be unexpected and may very well come at the worst of times for you, but that doesn't mean the animal should have to receive inadequate care because you didn't have the money saved up for an emergency. Have the emergency fund ready before you get the animal, not after.

Just some food for thought.
Wow. I didn't realize a baby chameleon was cheaper to take to the vet than an older one. My Raine was just a month old and her vet visit was over $100 and I only had her for a week.
Babies also eat a lot more than adults...the eat anywhere from 10-15 crickets a day, where that could last an adult a few days. Babies are much more fragile as well. Best of luck with your little guy, but I don't think it's going to be as easy as you think. And also moving is VERY stressful on them, so it would be best to get him once you've moved so he doesn't have to make a transition twice :)
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