Shooter being a show off

Mr Wilson

New Member
Shooter decided to show us just how strong he is and show off his physique




My veiled was doing that the other day when I gave him his first hibiscus. He was hovering his back two feet and using his tail to stay floating!

It was funny.:)
Thanks so much! He is really starting to show his colors nicely. We think he is going to shed again soon, he seems to have a small piece of dry skin over his eye and has been rubbing his body along the leaves.

How often to most Ambilobes shed? Shooter is about 4 months now.
He's looking very nice! At that age, they shed about once a month (at least, if I can generalize from my one experience with a young'un, five years ago). As he gets closer to his adult size, he'll slow down, and shed in pieces (a foot here, a tail there) instead of all at once.
Yes Shooter sure is strutting his stuff. But he does have beautiful stuff to strut. That one will be a jaw dropper when he grows up.
That makes sense then. He shed about a week or so after we got him, so he probably is getting ready to shed.

Thanks for all the compliments. He's definitely becoming more and more beautiful, or handsome since he's male, each day. I can't wait till he sheds again. His colors really popped the first shed, I can't imagine what they'll be like this time.
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