Shedding and Size of Baby Panther

Like I said before. They all do not grow at the same time summer a lot smaller than others. Also they do shed really quickly as hatchlings. Some of them are kind of like an explosion and you don't even know they were going to shed. Little small I wouldn't really worry about it as long as he's eating. You'll get a lot of good advice on this site. But remember you don't need to hold their hands they also live in the wild period I also recommend bug Burger. And congratulations on even getting him or her to eat the Roches. I am 15 and I have a hard time getting them to eat them. Keep us updated and new pics of the Great


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Like I said before. They all do not grow at the same time summer a lot smaller than others. Also they do shed really quickly as hatchlings. Some of them are kind of like an explosion and you don't even know they were going to shed. Little small I wouldn't really worry about it as long as he's eating. You'll get a lot of good advice on this site. But remember you don't need to hold their hands they also live in the wild period I also recommend bug Burger. And congratulations on even getting him or her to eat the Roches. I am 15 and I have a hard time getting them to eat them. Keep us updated and new pics of the Great
Ok thanks, and yes I know and I don't. Just making sure he isn't way off size wise as I have heard conflicting info. How long do you think before he reaches adult size? and I know, lucky me. I just showed them to him and he started eating them
I handsome males that are very large. And some that are very small . usually depends on the locale . that I've noticed with mine. Right now I have a male that is six months and he looks like he's 3 months. They just growing spurts. It's all different just keep vitamins up make sure he eats end it is not stressed. Some like to be picked up a lot some no. Make sure the colors stay normal. By the way I'm not an expert it's just my opinion. Pretty much trial by fire with these little guys.
I handsome males that are very large. And some that are very small . usually depends on the locale . that I've noticed with mine. Right now I have a male that is six months and he looks like he's 3 months. They just growing spurts. It's all different just keep vitamins up make sure he eats end it is not stressed. Some like to be picked up a lot some no. Make sure the colors stay normal. By the way I'm not an expert it's just my opinion. Pretty much trial by fire with these little guys.
Ok, thank you
I thought my panther was tiny. Your guy in the first pic looks weeks old to me not moths old. Your current pics look like my Sherman at 4 months old.

My breeder told me that not all Chams grow at the same rate. Perhaps you little one will hit a growth spurt at some point. As long as he's healthy. My last Cham was a runt. He never got more than 12-14" total in size before he passed at around 5 years old. This was rather small for a male veiled.
I thought my panther was tiny. Your guy in the first pic looks weeks old to me not moths old. Your current pics look like my Sherman at 4 months old.

My breeder told me that not all Chams grow at the same rate. Perhaps you little one will hit a growth spurt at some point. As long as he's healthy. My last Cham was a runt. He never got more than 12-14" total in size before he passed at around 5 years old. This was rather small for a male veiled.
We'll put. There's always a runt in the litter.
Try get a weight scale to monitor the baby's growth weight,it needs to gain steady weight for the normal growth especially from a younger cham.
Thanks for all your help everyone! I picked up some crickets several days ago and Oliver sniped them off almost as soon as I offered them to him, he wouldn't and still won't eat dusted crickets though. Maybe he just got bored of the dubia I guess? Not sure... I also completely revamped the dubia food so they are eating gutload made from blended fruits and vegetables and also dry food (separate of course...oats, corn flakes, wheat bran all blended up) blended all the fruits and veggies and put them into muffin tins and froze them. Then I popped them out and put them in ziploc baggies and I just defrost one every 4 days or so when it dissapears from the Dubia bin (and man does it ever dissapear fast) so much easier in the long run, have enough to last me a few months now. Still curious about my veiled though, he is around 2 years old and just hisses at me when I open his cage and try to offer him food. I haven't seen him use his tongue to grab the food in months but I know his tongue is fine as he will sometimes shoot it at me to try and grab my fingers to bite them I guess lol. Not really sure why he does this, he always used his tongue before. To feed him now I have to put a dubia just barely in between his upper and lower jaw when he opens his mouth to hiss and then he'll crunch down on it and eat it, otherwise I could put it in a container in there and he would just leave it for days and it would die (have tried several times) and if I try to offer it to him like 8 inches away on bamboo tongues he just tries to hide from it, not sure what's up with that. Thanks again guys!
Hey guys, just thought I'd provide an update! It has been just over 1 month since Oliver measured 4.5" and he is now 5.5" and 6.5 grams. I took him to the vet a couple weeks ago and had a fecal done and it came back negative. Just wondering if any of you had anymore input (basically to stop me from worrying about his size lol) he has shed in the last couple weeks as well!


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He looks good! I'm not a pro, but I wouldn't preoccupy your time worrying if he is too small. He grew one inch in a month!
I need to get my Sherman on a scale, but we are still working on trust issues. He doesn't crawl on my hand to let me handle him, but he does eat from my hands.

If your Cham is healthy, and your doing all you can to keep up with his husbandry, then just enjoy him and love him! These guys live way too short for my taste. Enjoy them for the 5-8 eight years we have them.
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