reptifogger review


Ive had my veiled a little more than a month maybe almost 2 now and couldnt be happier with my decision on getting one. My cage setup was a little wack first starting out but i finally have a happy chameleon. My last purchase was a repti fogger, i heard both good and bad about it before purchasing but i had to see for myself. im in MI and my regular humidity in the house stays around 40-45(also having central air plays a factor) so i didn't need that much higher of humidity but misting 2/3 times a day wasnt keeping the cage humid enough. the repti fogger is perfect for my setup i run it on the lowest setting possible for about 15 mins twice a day and maybe mist once that keeps humidity from 50-59% throughout the day. it all comes down to your situation when debating if the purchase is worth it. many worry about the changing of water/ the container that holds the water running dry and the repti fogger burning up. ive had the fogger a whole week and havnt had to add more water to it yet and still have a day or two before i need water but ill probably refill it after posting this. like i said earlier i do only run it on the lowest setting because thats what i need for my situation. the cool factor played a major role in this purchase the fog rolling in the cage looks awesome and i found one on amazon for 40. ~40 is the price of a decent cool air humidifier so i could have made my own and would have if i knew i needed to run it more than i do but if your situation is similar to mine then i would recommend just purchasing the reptifogger for sure worth it in my book. Thanks for all the advice the forums really helped me out hopefully this helps someone out, questions encouraged
Ive had my veiled a little more than a month maybe almost 2 now and couldnt be happier with my decision on getting one. My cage setup was a little wack first starting out but i finally have a happy chameleon. My last purchase was a repti fogger, i heard both good and bad about it before purchasing but i had to see for myself. im in MI and my regular humidity in the house stays around 40-45(also having central air plays a factor) so i didn't need that much higher of humidity but misting 2/3 times a day wasnt keeping the cage humid enough. the repti fogger is perfect for my setup i run it on the lowest setting possible for about 15 mins twice a day and maybe mist once that keeps humidity from 50-59% throughout the day. it all comes down to your situation when debating if the purchase is worth it. many worry about the changing of water/ the container that holds the water running dry and the repti fogger burning up. ive had the fogger a whole week and havnt had to add more water to it yet and still have a day or two before i need water but ill probably refill it after posting this. like i said earlier i do only run it on the lowest setting because thats what i need for my situation. the cool factor played a major role in this purchase the fog rolling in the cage looks awesome and i found one on amazon for 40. ~40 is the price of a decent cool air humidifier so i could have made my own and would have if i knew i needed to run it more than i do but if your situation is similar to mine then i would recommend just purchasing the reptifogger for sure worth it in my book. Thanks for all the advice the forums really helped me out hopefully this helps someone out, questions encouraged

From what I've heard, the Reptifoggers tend to have a shorter life than the larger room humidifiers using the same ultrasonic technology. Time will tell. Keep it very clean, don't let the reservoir ever run dry, and don't let mineral deposits build up on the nebulizer...rinse with vinegar.

I've used small so-called terrarium foggers in the past and didn't have great luck with them. Because I tend to keep montane higher humidity chams that needed much more frequent fogging (and reservoir filling) they get a lot more daily use, so I've stuck with the room types since then so don't know if the Reptifoggers have improved.
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Got two of them that are still going strong after two years. Only use filtered water. They have run dry plenty of times before, when used outdoors. I use 1/2" drinking water pvc from the base up to deliver the fog. They also sell replacement tabs for cheap, if you do have troubles. I have never had to replace any myself. I love mine. Wouldn't be using for a veil though. I only used with veils during a shed, as extra humidity to err on the caution side.
Wouldn't be using for a veil though. I only used with veils during a shed, as extra humidity to err on the caution side.

My cham is still young he actually shed for the first time since ive had him and it went from showing very little signs of shedding to his coat completly off in like 3-4 big pieces so it keeps humidity nice/ as i said just like the look of the fog lol, what breeds do you have now?
I have used with veils, just make sure not to give him RI. Especially, with young ones. Try to keep RH @ 45-55% for veils. During the winter, when household humidity is low, it is more acceptable to use.
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