Pygmy viv a few months later


In august or late July I set up my viv and after much searching I should be getting my cb male brev hopefully on Tuesday. I got a cork flat and a TON of creeping fig and made it into my background as I literally just finished. Within the few months my spike moss and asparagus fern died, so I replaced the moss with a regular fern. The Pothos have really taken over and I also added a ficus benjamina minima (not sure on spelling) and some zoomed twisty branches. Tell me how it looks!
(My first time posting on tapatalk so the pics may be weird)
God I know, I am against buying a WC one if I'm not breeding because I find it kind of pointless, but finally found a breeder, thank god!
Tank you so much for the kind words! Putting in The background and vines with the plants already in was a real pain and the cork was a bit big so the tank top is a little bit raised but only about a quarter inch so it should be fine. Does anyone know if crickets will hide in The bark?
Freshly coated flies can't climb the plastic but it doesn't last long. If you put a tiny piece of banana in the middle of the cage most of the flies will stay there long enough to be eaten.
Thank you so much! I'd just recommend not using coco fiber. Use ABG or similar dart frog viv mixes as you can actually put that plant in and not the pot, no mold, and last 2-3yrs. Also, zoomed twisty vines work great if you un-twist them and snap them to size. Are you getting a pygmy or just another small chameleon?
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