please help asap

My most recent clutch from my female did take a little over 30 days. Is this her first clutch?

Be sure to stay away when she is digging.

Dig holes for her to use if she wants, this way if they are filled in you have an idea of where the eggs are.

Try not to feed her while she is in the laying bin. I think it is merely a distraction at that point.

Make sure the sand is moist but not too wet, also make sure it's warm. My female will just sit there if the sand is too cold.

I hope she lays soon...:)
Thanks so much, i think I'm gonna get some different sand today, the sand i used gets dry very quick and then it falls in, do u think a type of clay sand will work? She dug about 5 holes already but still no eggs, i don't think the sand is what she wants
I use a play sand I get from Home Depot. Its like a wet, sand box sand.

I place a heat lamp over it for a while before I put her in to warm up the sand.
Thanks a lot, ill have a try, don't know where I'm gonna get it though, here where i am not really nice shops like that. I'll see if i can get anything similar.:):)
The consistency of the laying substrate is most important, even dirt will work as long as it is moist enough. The material needs to support a tunnel 30 cm deep, My femaile veiled often lays her clutch in the ficus pot in her cage. Privacy is also very important, She NEEDS to be on her own with no sight of any movement for at least 2 days. I have a sheet hung from the ceiling (with a pin hole to peek through) surrounding her cage. The best way to know when she is done the laying process is when she fills and covers the hole and comes up to bask. I would always try to b ready with lots of feeders to help get some calcium and nutrients back. There are many excellent blogs and threads to help out. GOOD LUCK!!!

Yea! :)

Now you need to set up your incubation system.

Check out the forums, there is a lot of threads for this...temperature, humidity, water-medium ratio...

I used a reptibator but I really don't think it was necessary...

Let me know if you want more info about how I did mine.

So exciting!
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