Panther dropping eggs with poop?


New Member
My female is gravid and she dropped 8 eggs today while she was pooping. I was at work so I am going to try to explain the best I can about what my boyfriend told me happened. He said was trying to poop and dropped the first 6 eggs and then she dropped the poop. He said the poop had 2 eggs stuck to it. One on the urate side and one on the poop side. Then she stopped and didn't drop anymore. He covered her and left her alone but she didn't dig or drop any more. She has a laying bin in with her at all times which she laid in the last time she laid a clutch. I just want to know if this is normal? Or if I need to be worried and plan a vet visit. Could she have dropped the eggs by accident bc she was trying too hard to poop (this is only the second clutch she has ever laid so maybe she's confused? She has been acting normal besides eating less which is what she did last time she was gravid and about to lay. Also we have been giving her some hornworms so her urates were more runny than usual. Could this have something to do with why she had eggs attached to her poop? Also my boyfriend said the eggs were all very soft and covered in mucous and they were dropped together in groups of 3 like a clump of mucous with 3 eggs? I didn't see and he didn't take pictures so that's the best I can describe. Any thoughts?
She's overdue and doesn't like her nesting conditions for whatever reason. Could be privacy, could be substrate, etc.

Just like humans, when the muscles contract to expell the eggs (OK babies for humans, eggs for chameleons), sometimes poop and pee comes along with them.

It's not good news when she doesn't nest. Sorry about that. Good luck with her.
Any advice?

So today she dropped 5 more eggs with her poop again. We have been keeping her completely covered except for in the morning to turn on her lights feed her and give her water. We have also put her in a trash bin with sand but she has shown no interest in laying there or in her laying bin in her cage. She still is acting normal and eating and drinking normally. No signs of being unhealthy besides dropping the eggs. Any advice? Should I give her more time to lay on her own or should I make a trip to the vet to get oxytocin to make her lay the rest? I don't want to rush nature but I don't want to risk her being egg bound either!
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