panther cage size? and veiled help.

kit fisto239

New Member
how big would you recemend a panther chameleons cage?
also, my veiled has eaten peices of bark on the bottom of her cage. is she going to be okay?
You should not have pieces of bark on the bottom of her cage. She may become impacted which will require a very expensive vet visit if she cannot pass it by herself, and it may even kill her. The most recommended substrates are paper towels or nothing.

adult male panther 24x24x48
adult female panther at least 18x18x30
i just did what the people at the pet store said about the substrate. now im worried about her. she is just a baby and probably cant pass it. how can i tell if she is impacted?
A word to the wise....don't listen do the people in the pet stores. 99% of them will give you the incorrect information. You want to learn how to raise a healthy cham, then listen to the people on this forum. I have only owned my chameleon since April and have spent endless hours on here reading and LEARNING. Do what they tell you and you should have a happy, healthy chameleon.
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