Orange-ish fecal matter


My juv veiled chameleon just went to the bathroom and i noticed an orangeish color to it i didnt want to post a picture of it because that would gross people out. I have also noticed that he has a designated bathroom spot that is in his vines outside of his cage. I didnt notice this until now and he hasnt went to the bathroom since last time he was on the vines which was about 3 days ago.If i need to post a pic i will but i hope i dont have to
The orange poop could be a sign of dehydration. I would up his misting and dripping. Please post pictures of your chameleon and his enclosure and fill out the Ask For Help form linked below. You might also find the poop thread linked below helpful. Most of us here don't mind seeing poop at all.

its very hard to see in the pic cause i have bad lighting 001.JPG
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