Open House August 22, 2009 :)


Avid Member
Well the hubby is out of the hospital and we think things are figured out with him so that I can go ahead and plan the open house. After looking at our family stuff I decided that Saturday, August 22nd, is the day that will work for us. The open house will be from 2:00 to 7:00 pm to allow people to come and go as their own schedules permit. I thought that time spread would allow more people to come for some sort of time. You can stay for an hour or the whole time. I will be serving food and non-alcoholic beverages. You can bring chameleons to share as long as you have a cage or tub to keep them safely in. They can be kept in the house if it's too hot outside.

Royden, I hope you can make it that day so you can do some photography. We live in the outskirts of Gig Harbor. You can put Gig Harbor and zip code 98329 in the computer to find out the travel distance and time for you so you can see if it's within your driving distance. PM me if you want to come and I will put you on the list that will receive my address and some direction hints. People with GPS guidance end up a couple of houses away. The numbering scheme on our street makes no sense.

Pass the word. Pipe up on this thread to show that you saw it. PM anyone you know that also lives in the Puget Sound area to see if they saw this thread. I will send out my address and direction hints about 10 days in advance. Hope to see a lot of you here. I'm hoping to have some brand new Otto (Royden's Veiled) hatchlings to show off. The eggs are looking close and they are due this month. I'd love it if Royden could see some of Otto's babies :) Catherine
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We definitely plan to be there, Catherine, for at least a good part of the time. I will contact you to see what I can bring, foodwise.

We could probably bring some feeders, too. We have fairly ample supplies of lobster roaches and dubia roaches, if anyone's interested.

Hope to see everyone there!
My husband and I would love to attened I'll check my schedual and see if we can make it ;) I got my microscope yesturday kind of intimidating but I think I have it all figured out!
Exciting :)

Please do try to make it here with your hubby Jessica! It will be great to meet you, especially since you own one of my babies :) Catherine
Glad to hear things are looking good for your husband. Im sure you know that I will not be making it:rolleyes: Hopefully you will have 4 more very interesting chams in your collection by that time;)

Glad to hear things are looking good for your husband. Im sure you know that I will not be making it:rolleyes: Hopefully you will have 4 more very interesting chams in your collection by that time;)


Do you really think I will have the B. Thamnobates by then? I'm not counting on it, but that would be so totally cool! Gush....Gush....I sound like a teenager :) I should have some more Laterispinis by then too. I'm hoping that my Melleri are all together in their new big "bird cage" by then. It will be the closest thing to free range that I can do for now. I've been letting them socialize together outside their current separate cages and they seem to get along fine. They even sleep on top of each other if they are together when the sun sets. They are done with their parasite treatments so they are ready to move in together. Just got to get some time to set up the new home. Wish you could make it all the way here Jared. Wish I could thank you in person for all the work you have done with Benny to get these treasures for us :p
I would be there in a second if I could! :(

Is there anyway that you can do a "video" open house and post it here for all of us to see?
Goodie :)

Goodie Goodie Yippee Yippee :)

I'll take care of the food. You just bring yourself, Pokey and another human guest if you want. I look forward to meeting you :)
Six days and counting :)

Only six days to go before my open house on August 22nd. Same weekend as Daytona. While my open house can't compete with that event, I think we will have some fun. I got my 2.2 Thamnobates, I will have my free range Melleri set up completed and.............ta da...........Otto (Royden's Otto) is continuing his legacy with some hatching eggs. His first baby hatched early this morning. It's a girl. The other eggs are sweating. I'm going to send out directions to the people who said they are coming right after this post. Can't wait to see you all :D
Two more days ! I plan on bringing my brand spanking new microscope to learn how to do fecals, soooo, if anyone has some fresh poop that they need to get some fecals on, just bring them with you :D

I plan on being there around 3 or so. I am so tempted to bring my three favorite montanes with me, ....:confused:
One more day :)

Only one more day! I'm pretty excited and feel like a kid before the first day of school. Hope I can sleep tonight.

People are welcome to bring something for "show and tell". AJA, once your Melleri gets a clean bill of health for parasites it would be welcome to roost in my new free range to meet my Melleri crew. Until then I have a temporary small set up that it could perch on if you brought it over. I used to set my Melleri on it while I cleaned their cages. I just don't want your sweetie pooping in my free range until you make sure it's parasite free. Mine were loaded and it's taken months of treatment to get them cleaned out. I've already learned that it's harder to clean up poop in a free range than in a smaller cage.

I'm sure one of my chameleons will provide a fecal sample while you are here. You probably won't find anything in it, but can practice. If people want a fecal tested just make sure it is put into a small ziplock or small tupperware (I have some I use JUST for that purpose). Keep it refrigerated until you drive up here. The fresher the better.

Can't wait to see everyone! Bring an appetite for some food too. I promise we won't test fecals while you are eating ;) Thank goodness we won't be in the middle of a heat wave. I'm loving the cooler weather today :)
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