nocturnal infrared bulb


New Member
I have a left over red heat bulb that i used for an h.spinifer i used to have and they are highly nocturnal and it didnt seem to be bothered by it at all. I also have a dome fixture with a dimmer and i would love to use it to keep the temps up at night. im seeing several people saying not to use them and im wondering why?
The reason why you should not use any night bulb is because chameleons need complete darkness when they sleep. They need a reasonable temperature drop at night.
provide a white basking light (alongside or combined with your UVB tube) - you want the colour of the basking light to be similar to sunlight

You dont need a light on at night at all. If your ambient temp is really cold, a ceramic heat emmiter might be an option (or turning up the heat in that room)
provide a white basking light (alongside or combined with your UVB tube) - you want the colour of the basking light to be similar to sunlight

I agree, and you can use a regular household bulb for this.

Not to mention, and I don't know how true it is, but I've seen so many people on this forum say that their chameleons react negatively to the color red.
ok thanks, its a little misleading there is a jacksons chameleon under the red light on the box. good thing i didnt buy it for a chameleon or i would have just been wasting my money.
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