Never seen these colors before?


Established Member

His other eye was open looking at me but that's not the point, the point is i've never seen these colors before on Slurpy. He's normally a bright bright green and he was like this in his enclosure.
(His back leg is swollen ik we think it's a start of MBD)
It looks like a gravid female kinda? Not exactly but still. He's still shedding a bit here and maybe that's why?
He/she looks ill. It's very hard to tell what may be going on in your photo, but handling a sick or stressed animal only adds fuel to the fire.
Please fill out the asking for help questionnaire and post your answers here.
Also, please post photos of the back of the feet, so we be certain of the gender.
Is the chameleon eating, drinking, passing stool, behaving normally?
I work, so may not reply until late tonight.
I was thinking the same as @Theveiled. On top of being sick (read your other threads) he/she might be gravid or maybe wanting to produce the eggs but can't because of the illness etc. You might want to see your vet again and get that sorted out if she is a girl. Also get some dirt in there. And if she is a girl you might want to ask if you can give her more liquid calcium and more water than she can stand. Good luck.
He/she looks ill. It's very hard to tell what may be going on in your photo, but handling a sick or stressed animal only adds fuel to the fire.
Please fill out the asking for help questionnaire and post your answers here.
Also, please post photos of the back of the feet, so we be certain of the gender.
Is the chameleon eating, drinking, passing stool, behaving normally?
I work, so may not reply until late tonight.
Yes he is ill at the moment. I'll fill it out when i can. He isn't eating. He's on formula, and he's been drinking a little bit. He's pooping with the help of medication a vet perscribed, and yes he's been behaving normally
Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - A veiled chameleon names slurpy. Should be a male. I've had him for 3 months and i estimate he's 4-5 months old
  • Handling - Everyday. He hisses when i dont handle him and he turns really dark.
  • Feeding - 3 times a day 1ml of formula. Ox bow animal health, carnivore care
  • Supplements - I mix a little bit of calcium powder in with his supplements. brand is reptical
  • Watering - I mist him 4 times a day or whenever he looks a little bit dehydrated. He's been drinking a little off the mirror/plants whenever i take a shower and he's on a little plant
  • Fecal Description - Droppings have been normal looking. Urate is fine and the actual poop is fine. Meds to help pass poop has been working
  • History - He is an incest bred cham

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - I put him in a horizontal glass cage, this is in case he falls.
  • Lighting - UVB is on always, even at night. Regular heat lamp is on for 12 hours, and then i switch out that for a ceramic heat bulb
  • Temperature - Normally 85-90 for bask, 75 cool, and it is 70 at night. Measured with a thermometer inside.
  • Humidity - I actually dont have a humidity sensor, but i have a few bowls of water in his tank to help keep humidity.
  • Plants - A few succulents, that's really it. The rest are fake
  • Placement - Ontop of a dresser near an actual lamp in my room. I dont do much so it's not really a traffic area.
  • Location - Middle of new jersey

Current Problem - He has a light case of MBD and hasn't been eating. He's having highs and lows of energy. Crawling around at some times and just being a lazy poot at other times. He's been starting to show weird colors, like a reddish tinted brown which he has NEVER shown before.
You have a female and a very sick girl at that. Your vet should have told you that you had a girl and not a boy at one of your previous appointments. I've also read your other posts. You handle her way too much. She's ill and that's only adding to her stress. I'd only handle her when it was necessary, i.e. giving her medicine. Leave her alone otherwise. Chameleons are look at pets, not play with pets.
You have a female and a very sick girl at that. Your vet should have told you that you had a girl and not a boy at one of your previous appointments. I've also read your other posts. You handle her way too much. She's ill and that's only adding to her stress. I'd only handle her when it was necessary, i.e. giving her medicine. Leave her alone otherwise. Chameleons are look at pets, not play with pets.
The vet said he saw tiny spurs on his back feet, and that the veil would develop as he got older. I'll cut down on handling definitely but im worried that will anger her and stress her out more. It seems that he only turns brighter colors when im there
You can sex veiled right out of the egg so your vet should be able to tell if it's male or female. That looks like a girl to me. You have several issues going on with your husbandry. Starting off with having her in a horizontal glass aquarium.
You can sex veiled right out of the egg so your vet should be able to tell if it's male or female. That looks like a girl to me. You have several issues going on with your husbandry. Starting off with having her in a horizontal glass aquarium.
It's in case she falls. She does have a light case of mbd and in the chance that she falls i dont want anything to happen to her. I had her in a vertical one 12x12x24 and i moved her into this one yesterday
Ever considered that your chameleon doesn't want to be with you but just likes her enclosure even less for some reason?

It's very rare chameleons like to be handled and the pictures I've seen of you with your cham, you know the 'playing dead', make it very difficult to believe your chameleon will appreciate that type of handling.
The cage you have her in is inappropriate even though she has MBD. Glass doesn't provide enough airflow and chams are arboreal so having her horizontal is going to stress her out. Put her back in her other cage and line the bottom with towels if you are afraid of her falling.
Why switch to a ceramic heat emitter at night even if the UVB is on/producing light. You shouldn't have any lights on at night, as this will disturb your chameleon's sleep. Use the ceramic heater at night only if it gets really, reallyyyy (below 45 F) cold in your room.
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