My first veiled!


New Member
Hey all I thought I would like to say I'm getting a new chameleon his name is Stephanos and he is a Veiled Chameleon! I currently own a 2 year old ambilobe panther chameleon and he is my everything :) I'm excited to add to my chameleon fam! I'll add pictures soon!
How exciting! I just love veileds. They have so much personality. Can't wait to see pictures of both your chams.
I am a new owner as well :] This is my first cham. Ive kept leos and crested geckos so I wanted to try something a bit different. So far he has been a peach :)
It'll be so different cuz for 1 year and 5 months ive had a panther and now ill have a panther and a veiled XD so crazy! I knew I'd have two eventually xP
Thank you :)
He's so scared sometimes. But on occasion he will crawl out on my hand without hissing and all by himself. He will learn I am not going to eat him.
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