
MBD is diagnosed when the cham shows signs of it.

Bowed Limbs, grabbing itself, falling constantly.

Your question cant be answered because it is neither common nor rare.

MBD most often occurs because the owner failed to do something in its husbandry which led to the cham developing the disease.
i'd say that it is really common considering how many cham owners don't know what they are getting into and will visit a site like this only until after their chameleon has the disease. petstores like petsmart regularly stock chams in the summer (i usually see about 10 to 20 juveniles for sale everytime i go), and i can only imagine how many of those are going home to a fish tank with a water bowl, substrate, improper lighting, and no supplementation.
I don't think it's common in chameleons. I think it's common in chameleons who's owners are driven to the internet to find out what's wrong with their pets.

That's why its such a big topic.
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