Is this gonna b an issue?


New Member
In where I stay only feeder insects available and legally sold are crickets and supers. No roaches no hornworms no silks nothing. Hell it's even illegal to own a chameleon but I just love them too much I had to get one. And it's coming in a few days! I really don't have a choice but my only feeder options are crickets n supers which I will gutload really well. Can anyone see an issue arising from this? I got everything else set for a healthy happy Cham so foods my only problem. Any opinions would be helpful! :D
By where you stay do mean the state? As in USA? Because there are plenty of people who will still send things like stick insects and phoenix worms and silks if you ask them nicely :).
P.s. I can't really help, I'm in the UK. We are even allowed locusts (but not don't want a gun anyway....just think the law is an ass :rolleyes::D)
How about fruit flies if you are getting a youngster? They surely can't be illegal. Also, pill bugs can be caught wild and bred to make sure they are free of toxins before feeding them....
I mean the country! Where exotic pets are illegal :( will having a limited variety shorten the chameleons life in any way?
What will you do if your cham needs veterinary attention at any point?
(Fingers crossed it doesn't but you never know!)

Would you shy away from taking your cham to a vet for risk of being arrested?!?!
Nah I'll prolly check if they'll be able to help me before bringing my Cham down. And even if I have to get caught it'll prolly be a fine so idc really precisely the reason I'm gonna get one! :D I'll upload some photos as soon as he comes and pray he's a healthy boy :confused:
Where do u live? A good gut-load and dusting the feeders should do. Here in Ireland we can only find Wax worms, crickets, locusts and mealworms. I purchase different feeders from the uk when I can.
I don't think you've mentioned where you live but in most you should be able yo find eild grasshhopprrs and thingsas well, all of which can make a well rounded diet. You just have yo.make sure thst the insects you catch are non poisonous and that you catch them from a wild area, where no one is spraying pesticides or anything like that. This is one trick to ensuring you get some variety.
Haha I live in Singapore. Far far away from everyone in this forum! New addition to the list of countries Cham keepers come from for the forums eh? Lol. I wonder if I'll get caught by posting where I'm from here thus I hesitated to say wher I'm from but ah what the heck
Surely there's gotta be someone else from Singapore:confused:

Anyway some people capture wild bugs and breed them and feed the chams those bugs might be worth looking into
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