I don't know if this is a bad thing or not.

Hello! Is this the same chameleon that you posted about back in August?

Drooling isn't normal for a chameleon, and causes can be numerous. Will you post a few pictures of your cham and describe what's happening more?

Have you filled out a husbandry form before? It'd be helpful for us to see what you're doing to find potential causes for the drooling. Also pictures of your chameleon, and full pictures of the enclosure (including lights) is going to be VERY helpful. Fill out the below form if you're willing to and someone will go over your responses and see where we can maybe help!

Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - The species, sex, and age of your chameleon. How long has it been in your care?
  • Handling - How often do you handle your chameleon?
  • Feeding - What are you feeding your cham? What amount? What is the schedule? How are you gut-loading your feeders?
  • Supplements - What brand and type of calcium and vitamin products are you dusting your feeders with and what is the schedule?
  • Watering - What kind of watering technique do you use? How often and how long to you mist? Do you see your chameleon drinking?
  • Fecal Description - Briefly note colors and consistency from recent droppings. Has this chameleon ever been tested for parasites?
  • History - Any previous information about your cham that might be useful to others when trying to help you.

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Describe your cage (Glass, Screen, Combo?) What are the dimensions?
  • Lighting - What brand, model, and types of lighting are you using? What is your daily lighting schedule?
  • Temperature - What temp range have you created (cage floor to basking spot)? Lowest overnight temp? How do you measure these temps?
  • Humidity - What are your humidity levels? How are you creating and maintaining these levels? What do you use to measure humidity?
  • Plants - Are you using live plants? If so, what kind?
  • Placement - Where is your cage located? Is it near any fans, air vents, or high traffic areas? At what height is the top of the cage relative to your room floor?
  • Location - Where are you geographically located?

Current Problem - The current problem you are concerned about.


Please Note:
  1. The more details you provide the better and more accurate help you will receive.
  2. Photos can be very helpful.
She is a veiled chameleon, not sure about the age I think 2 years old, had her for about a year. I handle her 1-2 times a week. I feed her dubia roaches, hornworms, slikworms, and crickets normally I will feed her like 2-4 bugs every few days The supplements I use are Lugarti, and zoo med one with d3 and one without d3 every 15 days I give with d3 and every other feeding I give without. I use a auto mister 2 times one in the day and one at night for 30 secs I have seen her drink water. Her humidity levels are 50 to 70%. I do not use real plants. Her cage is in my room she is by a fan. I'm in California. Her cage is a screen it's a little small I'm getting a bigger cage but it's 18×18×36. Her lighting is a zoo med T5 5.0 she does not have a basking spot The temperature ranges from 70-85
Pictures will be great. I'm about to go to bed so I'll review what you posted tomorrow, but there are quite a few things that could change for the benefit of your cham. If anyone else gets to this before I do, feel free to review!

But if this is the same cham you posted about earlier, she's got rather advanced MBD. Has she been to the vet? If she's got MBD and her jaw isn't shaped right anymore, that could explain the drooling. A chameleon with MBD really needs to be seen by a vet to get calcium supplements.

You're also going to need a lay bin for her in case she ever produces eggs. More from me tomorrow though. I look forward to pictures, they'll be helpful!
I have taken her to the vet for a different reason and they did end up giving me calcium but they never said anything about MBD. Mostly my fault
I'm wondering about possible MBD as well if she is drooling, either that or there is an excess of saliva and that could possibly be a sign of a respiratory infection.
I will get a better picture of my chameleon in a sec


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I will get a better picture of my chameleon in a sec
I am not familiar with these brands. @Beman do you know if these supplements are good?

I wouldn't use the bee pollen. You can feed a little of it to her bugs as a small portion of her gut load but I wouldn't feed it to her directly.

Can you share a picture of her lights please?

See my response to your information in bold:

She is a veiled chameleon, not sure about the age I think 2 years old, had her for about a year. I handle her 1-2 times a week. I would avoid handling her, chameleons are shy lizards and handling them often causes unnecessary stress. View her more like a pet goldfish, she is cool to look at and observe but not really a pet to handle. I feed her dubia roaches, hornworms, slikworms, and crickets normally I will feed her like 2-4 bugs every few days I love the variety you are feeding her! Excellent job! The amount you are feeding her and how often is also great. The supplements I use are Lugarti, and zoo med one with d3 and one without d3 every 15 days I give with d3 and every other feeding I give without. Perfect with your supplement schedule, the only thing you'll need to adjust is giving her calcium w/o D3 on every feeding except for when you use the multivitamin/D3 supplement. I use a auto mister 2 times one in the day and one at night for 30 secs I have seen her drink water. Chameleons are generally shy drinkers, if you are seeing her drink often I would recommend upping her drinking opportunities, you can adjust her misting sessions to 1 minute each time and add a misting session or dripper in the afternoon. What do her urates look like? Her humidity levels are 50 to 70%. Good, you want 40-50% during the day, at night you want 80-100%. I do not use real plants. I would strongly recommend getting her many live plants. Veileds have a tendency to eat the plants in their enclosure and fake plants can cause an impaction which is fatal. Real plants also can help with humidity levels. Her cage is in my room she is by a fan. I would move her away from the fan, drafts and fans can cause stress. I'm in California. Her cage is a screen it's a little small I'm getting a bigger cage but it's 18×18×36. She needs a much bigger enclosure, 24x24x48 is the minimum recommended size, I'd suggest upgrading that asap. Her lighting is a zoo med T5 5.0 she does not have a basking spot The temperature ranges from 70-85. Sounds like you dont need a basking light, however you'll want to avoid her temps going above 80.

A few things: Has she ever laid eggs? She is going to need many more branches and plant coverage in her enclosure, if she has no way to get around her enclosure she isnt able to get to the UVB light which will help her body create strong healthy bones.

I'm going to attach a picture of one of my enclosures so you can get an idea of what your girl needs.


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I'm going to get a new cage, she has not laid eggs which is scary, also another then that I need help with is she has not been able to fully shed. At the time I did not know it was bad and I ended up trying to help her what should I do?
I am not familiar with these brands. @Beman do you know if these supplements are good?

I wouldn't use the bee pollen. You can feed a little of it to her bugs as a small portion of her gut load but I wouldn't feed it to her directly.

Can you share a picture of her lights please?

See my response to your information in bold:

She is a veiled chameleon, not sure about the age I think 2 years old, had her for about a year. I handle her 1-2 times a week. I would avoid handling her, chameleons are shy lizards and handling them often causes unnecessary stress. View her more like a pet goldfish, she is cool to look at and observe but not really a pet to handle. I feed her dubia roaches, hornworms, slikworms, and crickets normally I will feed her like 2-4 bugs every few days I love the variety you are feeding her! Excellent job! The amount you are feeding her and how often is also great. The supplements I use are Lugarti, and zoo med one with d3 and one without d3 every 15 days I give with d3 and every other feeding I give without. Perfect with your supplement schedule, the only thing you'll need to adjust is giving her calcium w/o D3 on every feeding except for when you use the multivitamin/D3 supplement. I use a auto mister 2 times one in the day and one at night for 30 secs I have seen her drink water. Chameleons are generally shy drinkers, if you are seeing her drink often I would recommend upping her drinking opportunities, you can adjust her misting sessions to 1 minute each time and add a misting session or dripper in the afternoon. What do her urates look like? Her humidity levels are 50 to 70%. Good, you want 40-50% during the day, at night you want 80-100%. I do not use real plants. I would strongly recommend getting her many live plants. Veileds have a tendency to eat the plants in their enclosure and fake plants can cause an impaction which is fatal. Real plants also can help with humidity levels. Her cage is in my room she is by a fan. I would move her away from the fan, drafts and fans can cause stress. I'm in California. Her cage is a screen it's a little small I'm getting a bigger cage but it's 18×18×36. She needs a much bigger enclosure, 24x24x48 is the minimum recommended size, I'd suggest upgrading that asap. Her lighting is a zoo med T5 5.0 she does not have a basking spot The temperature ranges from 70-85. Sounds like you dont need a basking light, however you'll want to avoid her temps going above 80.

A few things: Has she ever laid eggs? She is going to need many more branches and plant coverage in her enclosure, if she has no way to get around her enclosure she isnt able to get to the UVB light which will help her body create strong healthy bones.

I'm going to attach a picture of one of my enclosures so you can get an idea of what your girl needs.


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I will get a better picture of my chameleon in a sec
On the supplements you want to replace the white bottle of lugarti. It is a flavored calcium supplement. Not meant for Chameleons. Replace with a plain calcium without d3 and you would use this at all feedings lightly dusted on feeders. The reptivite with D3 is your multivitamin this would only be used 2 times a month say the 1st and the 15th again lightly dusted on feeders.

I would avoid giving her bee pollen directly. We have seen where this can cause edema in some chameleons. Instead put this in your gutload for your insects to eat.
I'm going to get a new cage, she has not laid eggs which is scary, also another then that I need help with is she has not been able to fully shed. At the time I did not know it was bad and I ended up trying to help her what should I do?
When they are adults they don’t fully shed anymore. They will shed in sections. Is that what is happening to your girl?

What are you measuring your humidity with? If you are at 40-50% humidity during the day she should be able to shed no problem. They are dry shedders.
When they are adults they don’t fully shed anymore. They will shed in sections. Is that what is happening to your girl?

What are you measuring your humidity with? If you are at 40-50% humidity during the day she should be able to shed no problem. They are dry shedders.
Her shed has been in the same place for like 2 months
Is this the same chameleon that you have posted about over the last year? She has MBD... She also still has an incorrect cage set up still.

In this thread we went over it with you... https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/chamleon-eyes-closed-during-the-day.190825/

And in this thread prior. https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/chameleon-keeps-going-to-the-same-spot.189724/

And in this thread almost a year ago. https://www.chameleonforums.com/thr...ameleon-will-not-move-its-been-5-days.188876/

The only thing that I can see is that you have changed her UVB type... But she still can not access it the way she needs to.

Please go back through the links I just posted and read all of the feedback you were given for her.

Please also go to this site and read through all of the husbandry info so you can make the cage changes she needs. https://chameleonacademy.com/chameleon-husbandry-program-getting-started-with-chameleons/

I am in no way trying to be rude. But all of the threads you have posted are due to her not having the correct husbandry. And the same people including me have repeatedly tried to help you but you are not making the needed changes for her.
Is this the same chameleon that you have posted about over the last year? She has MBD... She also still has an incorrect cage set up still.

In this thread we went over it with you... https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/chamleon-eyes-closed-during-the-day.190825/

And in this thread prior. https://www.chameleonforums.com/threads/chameleon-keeps-going-to-the-same-spot.189724/

And in this thread almost a year ago. https://www.chameleonforums.com/thr...ameleon-will-not-move-its-been-5-days.188876/

The only thing that I can see is that you have changed her UVB type... But she still can not access it the way she needs to.

Please go back through the links I just posted and read all of the feedback you were given for her.

Please also go to this site and read through all of the husbandry info so you can make the cage changes she needs. https://chameleonacademy.com/chameleon-husbandry-program-getting-started-with-chameleons/

I am in no way trying to be rude. But all of the threads you have posted are due to her not having the correct husbandry. And the same people including me have repeatedly tried to help you but you are not making the needed changes for her.
I have ordered the cage it should get here in about a week
I have ordered the cage it should get here in about a week
The folks above have been very helpful (sorry about answering slow, my day has been crazy). DEFINITELY follow @Beman's advice. I'm glad you're getting the cage! Make sure that you get live plants, way more branches, update your supplements, and most importantly, get her to a vet, because MBD needs vet intervention - her leg there almost looks broken. And MBD is extremely painful for them and will prevent her from doing a lot of normal things that she needs to do, including laying eggs. Please please please update your husbandry so your girl can have a chance at pain-free thriving, instead of just the likely painful survival she's got going on now.
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