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Just wondering what everyone's experiences have been with hygrometers and correct humidity readings. I have my hygrometer set in the middle of the enclosure, disguised amongst the foliage. It started out in the 60's, and then went up to the 70's and 80's. Now it's on 99% all the time. I'm just wondering if the sensor is soaked, or what. Maybe I should relocate it, but it seems like it'll get misted no matter where it is. It's an Exo-Terra brand hygrometer. You can see it in the lower left center of this pic.


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you got the blues

the " the spot i chose for my sensor gets to wet for one reason or another and will forever sku my humid readings, unless i move it to a better location, but i thought the center was the best spot, but for now im either gunna have a 99% rating or about 2-3 hrs the cage drys out if im lucky the gauge sensor will dry out and maybe get a good reading, but by that time its time to mist again blues " blues....... dun dun, dun dun, dun dun, dun....ooooh yah! ( that was all one breath by the way )

You should be into a routine, outside of some variables like air conditioning and weather this routine should be producing the same routine of humid levels in the enclosure. so
if you cant find a better spot, then just leave the sensor out of the enclosure and put in in for long enough to get a reading and pull it out. after some tweaking you'll be able to adjust your routine and get the readings from your sensor that you want on a regular basis.

then just stick tot routine and check humid less often just to make sure you dont need to adjust.
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This is a very good point to discuss!!

I have now 3 different sensors between digital and analog, one next to each other, and none of them match!

To my surprise, the digital one (Zilla) is the one that is off the most!!!!!

Which is the one most accurate out there?

Apparently, PATIENCE is something that wasn't described in the exo terra hygrometer instructions :) In my behalf, I'd like to say that with the advent of the internet, everything offers such instant gratification! Hehe...not so with hygrometers. Once I opened the doors and allowed some circulation, humidity dropped to 84%. Still, I have a feeling that I should somehow shield the wet bulb from direct misting. I won't be adding the lil pygs until late spring, so there's time to tweak things around.
I place my hydrometres in locations that they dont get soaked, so that I have a reading of the ambient humidity (I know its wet under the water, I want to know what it's like nearby). Perhaps you could remove it when you are misting, so that it doesnt get directly sprayed, and replace when you are finished?

I have 10 different hydrometers for 8 cages. one stays in each cage. One reads the room. The last one I use to double-check the accuracy of the ones that stay in the cages. I find they all read within a few percent (close enough for me). Doesnt seem to matter what brand or how much I paid for it.
When purchasing, take five or six off the shelf, put them side by side, check the readings. Keep the ones that are reading the same and return any that display outside the average.
Good idea to compare a few, Sandra!

I got all mine through the web, so I guess is off to the pet shop!!!!!
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