How an adult meal worm looks like = )


New Member
Hello! How's everybody? I was wondering if anyone else add the "thrilling" experience of witness the stage 1, 2 and 3 of meal worms life cycle.. That's how a meal worm will look like as an adult! My first beetle is bit crippled, but I'm very excited anyway I manage to keep them alive long enough to see the transformation.:D
I haven't seen a meal worm turn into a beetle since elementary school but my wax worms often turn into moths so I kinda understand. Its mind blowing how they turn into something quite different in the matter of weeks.
Glad to hear somebody else can understand!;)
That was the last thing I would have expected! To complete the full meal worm life cycle can take over 7 months!:eek:
yeah it is pretty fascinating. i gave some to my Entomology class and my teacher thought it was cool that i brought three stages.
it is kinda cool,
i have a pan of "baby"
mealworms. i have gotten a
decent start to having my own farm.
the worms are currently less than a 1/4 inch.
I see it a lot, never seem to go through the mealworms fast enough so 2 or 3 of them will turn to beetles and released outside
Superworms do the same thing. I attempted to breed them for my beardie but gave up because i became impatient
I see it a lot, never seem to go through the mealworms fast enough so 2 or 3 of them will turn to beetles and released outside

you should keep them in there- they wont climb out or fly - then you can have babies- I keep mine in a plastic shoe box w/ no lid, they have been in there for about 1.5 years - and what started as 50 meal worms, is not about 400 + or better :) and they just keep making more - I do not even clean it ( they dont smell like crix do )
I'll be the same !Don't give up!! Just keep yourself busy with an other short term project in the mean time!:D

Definitely probably gonna do it again since im adding to my family soon. Hopefully have my cham in less then 2 weeks so by the time i have a nice flow going he will beable to eat them.
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