Heating concerns

hi everyone!
I’m a new chameleon owner and I’m not sure where to measure with my laser heat gun to make sure his basking spot isn’t too hot. I’ve caught him gaping at his basking spot after I used a new bulb (150 watts), so I think he’s trying to regulate his temperature but I haven’t seen him do that before. Do I point the laser at him when he basks to measure how hot he is? Or do I point the laser around the bulb? I’m not sure how that works!


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hi everyone!
I’m a new chameleon owner and I’m not sure where to measure with my laser heat gun to make sure his basking spot isn’t too hot. I’ve caught him gaping at his basking spot after I used a new bulb (150 watts), so I think he’s trying to regulate his temperature but I haven’t seen him do that before. Do I point the laser at him when he basks to measure how hot he is? Or do I point the laser around the bulb? I’m not sure how that works!


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Hi there! So I have a veiled and I’m not familiar with the proper temps for panthers. However, I know that probe thermometers are much more accurate and I would recommend getting one if you could. From what you are saying and from your pics, it does seem your guy is getting too hot. I’ve not seen many keepers on here using a 150 watt bulbs. I would suggest raising your bulb a bit and see if he stops gaping.
Yea just prop it up on something that won’t catch fire 😅 I’ve seen people use like little wire baskets before.
What is the usual watt that chameleon owners use? When I went to repticon, they gave me a smaller bulb that fit into my lamp and the zoomed 150 watts seems to be a bit larger but I don’t know what kind of bulb that other guy sent me
What is the usual watt that chameleon owners use? When I went to repticon, they gave me a smaller bulb that fit into my lamp and the zoomed 150 watts seems to be a bit larger but I don’t know what kind of bulb that other guy sent me
I’ve tagged a couple people that know more than me, like I said I have a veiled so the temps are different for them. I use a 60-65 watt. Things like your climate will affect what you need as well.
Hi. Definitely want to use a thermometer with a probe end. When I use my thermometer gun I measure the temps of where my cham sits on the basking branch and if doing just a random check because I was using the thermometer for something else, I will measure the temp of my chameleon. I don’t really use the temp gun for more than just an estimation. For an adult male veiled or panther, I don’t exceed about 85F at basking area. I’m in Florida but my central ac is almost always on. I use 60-75w bulbs. I do use 150 watt bulbs only for my bearded dragons who like and need temps around 95-100+.
Hi. Definitely want to use a thermometer with a probe end. When I use my thermometer gun I measure the temps of where my cham sits on the basking branch and if doing just a random check because I was using the thermometer for something else, I will measure the temp of my chameleon. I don’t really use the temp gun for more than just an estimation. For an adult male veiled or panther, I don’t exceed about 85F at basking area. I’m in Florida but my central ac is almost always on. I use 60-75w bulbs. I do use 150 watt bulbs only for my bearded dragons who like and need temps around 95-100+.
I think I’m going to switch the bulbs, I think it’s a bit too strong for a panther cham! Thank you!!
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