Got some foliage FINALLY! LoL, leme kno wat yall think?

Obama the cham

New Member
added quite the umbrella plant to the set-up. Obama seems to love the Hell OUT OF IT, hes got quite some climbing room in there.




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Still looks rather small as a free range to me. Whats the point in having a free range if it's about the same size as a cage? I could be wrong with the size of it though.
You know you can route some bungee cord or like a jungle vine around the room to make it more free range:rolleyes:


pssh, its about 4' tall by 3' wide and some change, gunna extend it (width wize) about another foot or 2. He doesnt leave it at all, now that the plants are in their he just roams.

making adjustments and adding to it every now and then, it WILL got to the ceiling eventually.

i would like to add another resident to the home? wat do the people think about that??
Chams should not be kept in the same cage together and your free range is definitely not big enough to house 2 chams yet! They need enough room to completely live without even seeing each other, otherwise it's too stressful and could end in disaster.
How much experience do you have? Generally if you have to ask (about this matter anyways) you do not have enough knowledge and experience to keep them healthy together. It can be very difficult to recognize the signs of stress when two are housed together (except in extreme cases/big temperament clashes.) Plus you will want about tow more basking spots, lots of UVB, and at least twice that much room if you were to even attempt. Even then you probably want even more room to make sure you have the best possible chance at keeping them together, especially if it's your first time.
thank you pssh! no i dont have much experience nor knowledge, i wasnt planning on adding anoter resident soon,, just puttin ideas on the table to get the "wat i need to do/know" about it before i do it.

is their any threads for "tell tale" signs of stress?

i WILL be doin ALOT of reading and hands on before i actualy get me another resident.

OH and FERRET... i know. im not a compete NOOB. theirs already 2 chams in the house (mine and my bros), we know how they re-act to one another.:D
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