Furcifer skin


New Member
My male Cham who is about 4 months now had wrinkly skin today. Is this a sign of a upcoming shed or was he dehydrated. I'm not trying to jump to conclusions, but what would some wrinkles in the skin entail. I know chams have wrinkles but there was more than I have seen on him.
My male Cham who is about 4 months now had wrinkly skin today. Is this a sign of a upcoming shed or was he dehydrated. I'm not trying to jump to conclusions, but what would some wrinkles in the skin entail. I know chams have wrinkles but there was more than I have seen on him.

Probably shed. but post a pic to help.
He's due for a shed soon. I'll get a pic up tomorrow if it is still there. I can't get one now cuz he's out for the night
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