
  • Thread starter Ambilobefemalecham
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Wat it do,
I am getting low on feeders for my Chams and will take a few weeks to get more. Can I feed dandelion greens from outside that are untreated. Please let me know what would be the best way to go with this.
You don't have feeders for your chameleon? I suggest you get some. "A few weeks" without food is not being very responsible for the pet that you chose to own.

Do you not have the funds for food?
Wat it do,
I am getting low on feeders for my Chams and will take a few weeks to get more. Can I feed dandelion greens from outside that are untreated. Please let me know what would be the best way to go with this.

Chams are insect predators primarily, and their whole metabolism is based on that type of nutrition. Some will munch on plants but you can't replace live insects with plants even if they will eat a lot. IMHO from the sound of your posts it seems as if you can't keep up with the husbandry costs right now. Please consider finding them a home with someone who can until things ease up for you.
Wat it do,
I am getting low on feeders for my Chams and will take a few weeks to get more. Can I feed dandelion greens from outside that are untreated. Please let me know what would be the best way to go with this.

this person should be smacked in the head for owning a cham with no money to care for it and not providing it with the proper care.....give your head a shake seriously a good one too. ask yourself this if you had a child and you dont have food in the house you are goin g to do what ever you can to feed your child right???? i sure hope so, same thing applies to any kind of pet that you may have. If you cannot take fare of it you should not be a herp owner. you need to find someone else that can take proper care of your cham, cause you can't.

sorry i am harsh about this and spoke my mind on this topic but i hate seeing people take on these little innocent special reptiles and cannot care for them....drives me nuts:mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::mad::(:(:(:(
You don't have feeders for your chameleon? I suggest you get some. "A few weeks" without food is not being very responsible for the pet that you chose to own.

Do you not have the funds for food?

No I'll be out of feeders tomorrow. I just thought with having turnip and collard greens would do for two weeks but I guess not. No funds for two weeks so no. I am trying but the sliver I have is worthless. I will see what I can do outside for now til the two weeks are up. It's not my fault so everyone knows that. All I asked for was advice on the topic not a third degree about my head or whatever was said in another message in this forum.
try and go out and catch some wild caught bugs. Moths, dragon flies, grasshoppers to name a few.
Try making nice with the guys/gals at your local Petsmart or Petco. Perhaps they can slip you a few crix, meals or supers...
Try to do so in rural areas. Lesser chance of contaminated insects...

Rural isn't near me and am suburbs. I tryed a field but was treated with pecticides. So my only chance is my yard because it's never been treated with and chemicals but weed killer.
I will take your female ambilobe girl because obviously u any take Carr of it also I have farms of crickets Dubia an supers going now for my other Chams so I will take care of her my male needs a mate anyways.
Two weeks without food for a female she might loose the urge to eat and starve herself to death so 2 weeks is not okay u need the by the end of new week at the latest and that's Pushing it u should have them by tmrw or you could force your chameleon into a starvation of such and her organs will become shriveled and will fail and they won't get better after that so take care of her or give her to someone that can
She will be fine my male ambilobe did a full body shed today and wouldn't eat anything. So two weeks will be fine ok...
Mods huh what is that about trying to get me kicked off am sure right.
The way I see this is you're either ..

A: Unfit financially to care for your pets - unfortunate yes, but not your fault and you need to either find a way to make sure they have what they need to survive or find other arrangements for them. Keeping them when you can't provide bare minimal is cruel.

B: You're just screwing with everyone, because you know you're making a lot of people very angry.

I honestly hope it's the latter, but if not I hope you care about the animals that you decided to take into your home. If you don't, they are probably going to end up dying long before they should and you'll have absolutely no one to blame but yourself. And I don't think anyone here wants that.
She will be fine my male ambilobe did a full body shed today and wouldn't eat anything. So two weeks will be fine ok...

Maybe you should try going 2 weeks without eating and see if you'll be ok.

Do the right thing and find someone who can loan you the $5 for the 100 crickets you'll need for the next week or so. Don't starve your animal.
Maybe you should try going 2 weeks without eating and see if you'll be ok.

Do the right thing and find someone who can loan you the $5 for the 100 crickets you'll need for the next week or so. Don't starve your animal.

This guy isn't taking any advice. Several options have been presented and he still chooses to starve the animals. This must be a sick and twisted joke... :/
This guy isn't taking any advice. Several options have been presented and he still chooses to starve the animals. This must be a sick and twisted joke... :/

Obviously. Especially since crickets are like .02 at any pet store. To say you have no money for feeders is horse dung. I can scrape enough change for 2 weeks of food out of my car seats for one cham.
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