Egg sweating?

I separated this 1 cause it had a bump on it. long story short.. my eggs had worms on them. Cleaned them all off got new substrate. Yesterday. Checking today & there's a drop of water on the egg I separated. A nice size drop. There is no extra water on the sides or top of the container. I think it's starting to sweat!????We're at 6 months now. Veiled eggs.


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You now have 6 threads at least bout the same batch of eggs. It makes it very hard to follow.

I really can't see a drop of water in the egg. Is there water on the inside of the lid of the container?

Is your vermiculite moist enough that if you take a fist full of it it makes a clump but you can't squeeze any mor than a drop or two of water out of it?

Every time you take the lid off the incubation container to check on the egg, you upset the mini Eco system inside the container and it can affect the egg. If you do it too much I'm pretty sure you will lose ok the eggs.

The hardest thing in hatching eggs is having patience and control over your desire to disturbing the eggs.
I know, now that they have worms in the containers you have no choice but to solve the problem....but you need o keep it all to a minimum when it comes to disturbing the eggs.
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You now have 6 threads at least bout the same batch of eggs. It makes it very hard to follow.

I really can't see a drop of water in the egg. Is ere water on the inside of the lid of the container?

Is your vermiculite moist enough that if you take a fist full of it it makes a clump but you can't squeeze any mor than a drop or two of water out of it?

Every time you take the lid off the incubation container to check on the egg, you upset the mini Eco system inside the container and it can affect the egg. If you do it too much I'm pretty sure you will lose ok the eggs.

The hardest thing in hatching eggs is having patience and control over your desire to disturbing the eggs.
I know, now that they have worms in the containers you have no choice but to solve the problem....but you need o keep it all to a minimum when it comes to disturbing the eggs. .
Circled the water droplet. I won't open it again. Just did to take a picture of the lid & sides to show there isn't any water or condensation on it. & Yes vermiculite is wet enough where it sticks together.


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It could be sweating. It's hard to know where the water drop came from.

IMHO...the best idea is still to not keep taking the lids off the containers any more than absolutely necessary and not jiggle the eggs any more than necessary by moving the containers....and hope they hatch soon.
I have an egg shrinking now. How longer after shrinking does the baby start pipping through? I only ask cause I have read some sad stories on here that people's eggs Shart shrinking then never being able to pipe through. It's the small 1 near the light. Completely solid. Just holding the light near it I can see that it's all baby.


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There is no definite time for a baby to pip the egg after it starts to sweat. It can be a day or two or several days.
There is no definite time for the baby to crawl out of the egg after it pips. It can be a day or two ...maybe even a bit more.
Generally, if the baby isn't strong enough to pip and crawl out when it's ready, it's not strong enough to survive anyway.

If you decide to help a hatchling out, it's a crap shoot. If you try to do it too soon, it will die....if you do it too late, it may already be dead. It doesn't become much easier to know when to intervene or even if you should intervene when you've experienced it.

All I can say is good luck. Don't open the container any more than necessary. Don't keep candling them. Give nature a chance to do her job.
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Bursts egg. I don't understand how all the moisture is leaving the vermiculite & is all on the top & sides of the container. & Vermiculite is dry. I wiped the lid off cause it was dripping on the eggs, added a few drops to the vermiculite. It's warmed up here went from being 40 outside to 80 & we don't have any air-conditioning so that probably heated the eggs up some causing more condensation in the containers.... Anyways this egg burst/split & This baby isn't all the way developed, is there a chance he will make it? 🙏🤞


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*warning graphic photo*
Bursts egg. I don't understand how all the moisture is leaving the vermiculite & is all on the top & sides of the container. & Vermiculite is dry. I wiped the lid off cause it was dripping on the eggs, added a few drops to the vermiculite. It's warmed up here went from being 40 outside to 80 & we don't have any air-conditioning so that probably heated the eggs up some causing more condensation in the containers.... Anyways this egg burst/split & This baby isn't all the way developed, is there a chance he will make it? 🙏🤞
no propably not soo sad 😢
It's been over 7hrs & he/she is still alive. I'm keeping it moist. It's yolk sac is smaller. I don't really know what else to do but I'm probably being too hopeful that it will make it. But I at least have to try instead of flushing it or throwing it away. 😬🤞
I think you’re doing everything right and am glad you are trying to care for it. Not sure if you have a Facebook but there is a group called Chameleon Babies 101 and there are some pretty helpful people, you could try posting this there and see if anyone has had experience with this sort of thing. Anyways, please do keep us posted, I am rooting for this little one!!!
I think you’re doing everything right and am glad you are trying to care for it. Not sure if you have a Facebook but there is a group called Chameleon Babies 101 and there are some pretty helpful people, you could try posting this there and see if anyone has had experience with this sort of thing. Anyways, please do keep us posted, I am rooting for this little one!!!
I am a part of that group. I was going to ask, but some of the admins are against breeding. I do love those chameleon 101 groups I'm in a few the admins are very nice & helpful Piper has helped me a few times with some chameleons I have gotten from not the best places. I've learned so much from them. Thank u. ❤️
What causes bursting?
Think cause it's been warming up here, & it's caused the moisture to rise off the vermiculite all around the container & some water was dripping off the lid onto the eggs. So the eggs absorb too much moisture & burst. Also too much moisture in the incubator or containers can cause them to burst too.
I have also been having a hard time keeping the temp consistent. This Michigan weather has been crazy. We had a couple days in March that were in the 70s then last week it went up to 80 then snowed 3 days later. Ive been trying the closet method. Think I need to get an incubator. I've heard stories with some of those about the temps getting to high too. Idk but I really so what to get this figured out. 🙏❤️
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