discoids dying


well i picked up some from the show. what a mistake i shoudve known better when i picked them up and they were crowded and even "the guy" told me they're cramped and been in there for a little while. we had a few die even before i got home,i know this becouse i bought another container from another vendor to put them in. as we poored them into it there were some adults barely alive and nowhere near the nymphs i was told would be in there.

my question is. there are still some dying in their big container at home, do i pull those out or do i wait a few days and let the ones that are alive aclimate?....aaron pauling here i come

p.s. an email was sent but no reply at all
its almost certainly a temp, water or food thing, before geting rid of any , i would make sure those are all ok , temp; 90*-92* use a therm dont guess, / food ; their favorite veggie seems to be broccoli , they also like a few bee pollen granules, how are you watering ? you should use water crystals, they dont like daylight and need some flow through ventilation, they will eventually die without furniture.
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