Direct sunlight


Established Member
I bought a fake tree and i placed it by the window in my house so that my cham can enjoy the sun... so i placed him in the tree and hes just sitting there where enjoying the sun.. my question is. Is he getting the same affect out of it threw the window than being outside..
It is true. In order for him to be getting all of the benefits, the sunlight would need to be unfiltered.
what if you open your window and let your cham chill on the screen in the sun? Does the screen filter the uvb?
100% of UVB is blocked by glass and plastic...

Actually, some plastics will allow a majority of UVB through, but each product has to be individually researched. What actually happens between products and brands is that most U.S manufacturers put UVB inhibitors in their product, as most users of such do not want UVB to penetrate, as it is destructive to many other products that might be underneath the plastic. UVB-allowing products are more common in northern Europe because the sun is less intense, and UVB is less of a problem, so there's less need to block it.
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