Chamleon eyes closed during the day.

Hi there, welcome to the forums. There could be a lot of reasons that your chameleons eyes are closing during the day, would you be able to fill out this form and include pictures of the enclosure top to bottom including the lights? Also please include supplements and schedule. There are a lot of great experienced keepers here that should be able to help you narrow down what’s going on.
She is a veiled chameleon, not sure about the age I think 2 years old, had her for about a year. I handle her 1-2 times a week. I feed her dubia roaches, hornworms, slikworms, and crickets normally I would feed her like 2-4 bugs every few days but l live in the middle of nowhere and she has only ate 2-4 bugs every 2 weeks. I don't really gut-load much.
Need pictures of the entire cage set up as well from the lighting down to the lay bin. Also need pics of her.
Need to know when she last laid eggs and how many.
When last did you change her UVB bulb?
The supplements I use are Lugarti, and zoo med one with d3 and one without d3 every 15 days I give with d3 and every other feeding I give without. I use a auto mister 2 times a day one at night and one in the day for 30 secs I have seen her drink water. Her humidity levels are 50 to 70%. I do not use real plants. Her cage is in my room she is by a fan. I'm in California
Her cage is a screen it's a little small I'm getting a bigger cage but it's 18×18×36. Her lighting is a zoo med T5 5.0 she does not have a basking spot
This is her and her cage


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Your girl has a pretty extreme case of MBD. Because of how the cage is set up with no horizontal branches to bask under the uvb. You really want to rework the entire cage. There are multiple ways to add branches. Some use flukers vines and then attach them to the side screen with floral wire (just be sure the sharp parts of the floral wire are on the outside of the cage. WIth a T5HO fixture and 5.0 bulb you want the highest basking vines to be 8-9 inches from the bottom of the fixture sitting on the cage top.

With her closing her eyes it very well could be because she is not getting the appropriate levels of UVB. Or it could be her body is declining from the MBD. May also be an immune response and stress due to the MBD.

Supplements need to be switched your using a flavored calcium without D3. You want a plain version. Lugarti makes one or you can go with repticalcium without D3.
You need to make sure your using the calcium without D3 at every feeding and then the reptivite would only be used 2 times a month say the 1st and the 15th.

I am also going to recommend you take her to a reptile vet. Typically for MBD this advanced they really need treatment by a vet and liquid calcium that the vet provides.
Read everything here for setting up a cage properly
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