Chameleon nail attached to bone - rumor or fact?


New Member
Let's start off this thread by stating very clearly that I AM NOT GOING TO CLIP MY CHAMS NAILS. And I am also not condoning clipping of her nails. I know that they need them for grip, and clipping should never be considered.

What I want to know, is that I read somewhere a long time ago (I can't find the source anymore, but I'm pretty sure I saw this on here) that you should not clip a chameleons toenails, because they are attached to bone and it might actually hurt, unlike clipping a human beings nails.

How true is this?
I would love to hear your thoughts!
That is very interesting, I did know that dogs had it as I once made the horrible mistake in trying to clip my poor dogs toe nail and I slipped.

I did not know that chams actually had the same thing.

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