Brookesia ID


I bought these as superciliaris but I think they are thieli, but not sure about the little one which I think is a female. What do you think??


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Another one of what I think is the male on the left and female on right????


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Very cool little Chams you have there. Goodluck with them. Are they captive bred?

I think the one in the top image is thieli and the one below is superciliaris. We need an experts opinion though. The only brookesia I've ever been lucky to see is thieli.
Thanks for the reply. I wish they were captive but I don't think so I got them at a reptile show. As far as ID, I was thinking the same thing about them being 2 different species but when I see the second image in this post I see signs of "her" being a thief. The 1st pic is "her" facing down - her vent - just to see what you think about gender of these guys? Thank you!


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Should I separate them? They are in a standard 10g bioactive set up right now. They seem to be OK, but not sure they should be. When I research it, some ppl say you can others say you can't. I'm not sure what to do.
Should I separate them? They are in a standard 10g bioactive set up right now. They seem to be OK, but not sure they should be. When I research it, some ppl say you can others say you can't. I'm not sure what to do.

You'll definitely need some experts to chime in to help you with ID. I have never kept brookesia nor rampholeons but as far as I know these chameleons do fine living in small colonies such as 1 male with 1 to 3 females (cage size dependent) but you do not want to be keeping more than 1 male together. If you believe you might have 2 males you must separate them.
Yeah, I was really hoping an expert would chime in, maybe my pictures are not good enough, I dunno - or maybe its just really hard. I have researched it extensively but it's still very difficult with there size. Tubercles or no lateroventral tubercles and all that is super confusing and I can tell when I google it some of the ID pics are wrong. I'm pretty sure the darker pic is a Thieli, but it's the other one that is confusing me the most and sexing them is a whole different cluster. Thank for replying!!
These are not Brookesia thieli. They are either Brookesia superciliaris or Brookesia therezieni. The first animal in your first two posts appears to be B. therezieni and the second B. superciliaris. Can you post additional photos though, preferably larger?


These are not Brookesia thieli. They are either Brookesia superciliaris or Brookesia therezieni. The first animal in your first two posts appears to be B. therezieni and the second B. superciliaris. Can you post additional photos though, preferably larger?



Here's the expert I was hoping would chime in on this post. Thanks Chris!
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