Brazilian Snow - Ctenanthe lubbersiana

I came across this plant at my local nursery. I has broad leaves, bushy. It grows on damp soils and requires very little light (perfect for indoor cham enclosures :D ). It is from the same family as the Prayer Plant (FL CHAMS - safe plant list) I did some research and have not found it to be toxic. However, id rather be safe than sorry. Has anyone used this plant?

Brazilian Snow - Ctenanthe lubbersiana.jpg
If its not on the list and no one used it before I wouldn't risk it .as a matter of fact there is other safe plant list I would look around and if it isn't on any list i wouldnt use it for my cjams.good luck.
Thanks Found It

Brazilian Snow is actually a Prayer Plant. The name derives from the variegated color of the leaves. However it is a Prayer plant which is considered to be non toxic. $12.95 for a 3 gallon 3 foot plant is a steal :D
Brazilian Snow is actually a Prayer Plant. The name derives from the variegated color of the leaves. However it is a Prayer plant which is considered to be non toxic. $12.95 for a 3 gallon 3 foot plant is a steal :D

Good job of finding it and caring enough to make sure it is safe for you chams.
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