Baby Chameleon


New Member
Alright, so i have had my baby cham for about 2 weeks now and he has settled into his new home rather nicely. He has been pooping and eating and has actually grown considerably.
So my question is this, how should i commence to holding him? I know that chameleons are not pets that are supposed to be handled often but i do need him to realize that i am his friend and that he doesn't need to be afraid of me. I watched the videos about handling the chams on another thread.
So if anyone has some tips and/or advice on how to start handling baby chams please let me know/
I would follow the video on how to handle a cham. Just approach him very slowly. No jerky or quick movements. It does help if your cham is at least at eye level with you. Just go slowly and see how he reacts. If he freaks out back off. Hand feeding them gets them used to you pretty well also. Some chams are just aggressive and there is nothing you can do:)
Alright thk you, everytime i open his cage to mist or to clean it i let him know that i see him and then i just ignore him, i am hoping he will realize this way that i am his source of food and water. He has started to calm down a little around me but he still takes off when i try to hold him
I tried to get mine accustomed to me while he was still a baby (got him at ~3 months), but he didn't really care for me much until he was eight months or so and free-ranging. Now he's so friendly it's all I can do to keep him from climbing on me/get him to climb off so I can go to work. Bribery (i.e. having to climb on you to get at a treat) can work; I didn't try that until Thax was close to adult size.
Both my veileds, male and female are very friendly. Have lots of patience and give him plenty of time. Move very slow when you are around him. Try hand feeding him some nice hornworms or silkworms. Wear light green colors around him. They seem to like green. When you are around to watch him leave his door open and put a tree in front of it and don't let him see you looking and see if he'll climb out on the tree. Don't rush him, he'll come around.
Alright thanks everyone, i will try all of these things.
He truly is an amazing creature though, i can't wait until i am a more experienced keeper so i can get some other species of Chameleons as well.
What kind of / or species and sex is your chameleon? Males tend to get a little more mellow with age. If he/she is young, running, or getting away seem to occupy there thoughts, when your not looking of course. If they think you can see them or are watching them, they tend to get the deer in the headlights look and freeze up, before cautiously making there next move.

You looking at me!
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