are these Pinheads???? (trying to breed crickets)

Jaime Delsman

New Member
i have been trying to breed crickets for a few weeks now. after almost a week i took the crickets out of the container i had the dirt in and let the empty one sit. i looked at it today and saw some little white maggots or worm like things crawling around in there. are these what baby crickets look like?

its night time right now where i am so I'll get some pics tomorrow
crickets are never in a worm form in there life cycle. Just an egg and then a nymph. Sounds like maybe flies got in to your culture.
Here is my setup, i have different containers with some wet dirt in it, i put the crickets into the container for 5 days then i move them to a new one> repeat. i have some orange cube cricket food in each container. i live in Hawaii so its always warm in the 80's.

how long do cricket eggs take to hatch?
how long do crickets take to grow?

any suggestions on how to raise them?


1 crickets need water

2 crickets need food

3 crickets need warmth

4 crickets need dirt for egg laying

the more warm it is (80's) the eggs will hatch faster
baby crickets need it damp to shed their shells
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