Recent content by EggzactScience

  1. EggzactScience

    TJ is off for a 6 hour drive to the vet

    None of us want to see our babies like that... :( We will be praying for you and TJ!
  2. EggzactScience

    second fertile clutch some are shrinking

    I would have to assume that those eggs are happens. Especially, in a second clutch where the female has not mated since the first clutch... She will retain some but more eggs will be infertile due to it being the second clutch... I would recommend leaving them for now if they...
  3. EggzactScience

    First time chameleon eggs hatching - Need some advice

    First, what species? From what I can tell, I think most of your eggs look pretty good...With the not so good looking ones, if they aren't moldy or badly discolored I would say you can leave them...they may hatch and they may least you gave them the chance. :) Just keep a closer...
  4. EggzactScience

    First Infertile Clutch Success!

    Poll Veiled Female 1st clutch - 54 eggs (fertile) 2nd clutch - 84 eggs (fertile) 3rd clutch - 65 eggs (infertile) *We feed our female well, especially when she is getting ready to lay.
  5. EggzactScience

    HELP --- She won't dig!

    Any news???
  6. EggzactScience

    didnt realize chams bob too

    My male veiled will bob from time to time...mostly when he sees his lady, I guess. :rolleyes:
  7. EggzactScience

    please help asap

    No problem! Good Luck! :)
  8. EggzactScience

    please help asap

    Eggs! Yea! :) Now you need to set up your incubation system. Check out the forums, there is a lot of threads for this...temperature, humidity, water-medium ratio... I used a reptibator but I really don't think it was necessary... Let me know if you want more info about how I did...
  9. EggzactScience

    Holy Jackson Babies Batman!!!!!

    Soooo cute!! :D I am so happy for you! That light one has awesome patterns! My baby veiled chams are so green compared to those little guys! :p Congrats! I am so excited for my Jackson pair to get a little bigger! Not quite ready yet! :rolleyes:
  10. EggzactScience

    What are your chameleons names?

    Pride & Prejudice Male - Fitzwilliam "Fitz" Female - Elizabeth "Lizzy" I love Jane Austin and decided to name our first breeding pair after the main characters in Pride & Prejudice, my favorite book! :p
  11. EggzactScience

    Show me your veileds!! :)

    My Female! :p
  12. EggzactScience

    Show me your veileds!! :)

    My Male Veiled! :cool:
  13. EggzactScience

    please help asap

    I use a play sand I get from Home Depot. Its like a wet, sand box sand. I place a heat lamp over it for a while before I put her in to warm up the sand.
  14. EggzactScience

    HELP --- She won't dig!

    Wait, you did this just a few days ago? I am curious why? :confused: I can imagine that all this did was stress her beyond belief...:( You have received great advice! Hope she lays soon.
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