Yemens won't breed, Tips?


New Member
Hiya, I'm trying to breed my pair of Veiled Chams but not having much luck at the moment. She is exploiting blue spots on her and i understand that this is a sign that she is willing to mate?

When i put her into the males enclosure all she does it hiss at him and start warning him off, why is this and what should i do?

If she is going black with blue and orange spots then she is unreceptive maybe because you left it for to long.
Or maybe the male isnt good enough:confused:
Ok, I also heard that normaly the female will hiss and what ever but will still be receptive and will calm down once the male is actualy on her.
So if the male stops cowering and he mounts her while she hissing then she will most probably calm down.
Theres probably videos on youtube, but maybe some pro breeders will chime in.

I am also having problems geting my Veileds to mate.

Good luck.
whenever he gets near to her she will just hiss and flare up and try and run off. Maybe he is the one with the problem then haha but he does display to her and everything else. I daren't leave em in whilst i'm not watching em. Don't want one to get stressed and end up dieing or something haha
I would take her out and try again tomorrow. Are you putting the male in with the female or the female in with the male? It sometimes makes a difference, so you could try the opposite of what you are doing. Also, I like to do it in the morning when they are freshly rested and fed.
I've tried it both ways. I got told to leave them in together for a week but dnt think thats a very good idea
I've tried it both ways. I got told to leave them in together for a week but dnt think thats a very good idea

And you would be correct (in my opinion) ... that is not a good idea.
Keep trying.
Hold one chameleon outside of the enclosure of the other to determine the reaction/feeling they have for each other.
Or place the cages with no visual barrier side by side and observe their behavior.
The female should be passive and present to the male when she is truly receptive, but ... they all have their own personalities:rolleyes:.
When they are both ready, it will happen.
Good Luck ... be patient*.


*I tried to get mine to "hook-up" for 4 months before the female was actually receptive AND ready to breed.
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Mine did when she was shown to the male.
She was a virgin and just starting to cycle an infertile clutch when I first tried introducing them.

It varies.
Obviously in the case of mine (last Feb.) she had moved past the receptive period.
She has shown receptive colors, in the last year, for a week to ten days and most recently for 4 to 5 weeks.
Incidentally the gravid coloration is not dull. It is a beautiful black and orange.

How do you know they didn't mate already if they were together for a week? I've never seen any trouble mating Veileds except when the male is too little to hold her down properly (I don't think Veiled females can ever honestly be called receptive) or the female already mated. I don't remember the color patterns from earlier matings/females but after a recent mating the female turned black with bright spots and then cooled to green with bright spots after she was in her own cage.
How do you know they didn't mate already if they were together for a week? I've never seen any trouble mating Veileds except when the male is too little to hold her down properly (I don't think Veiled females can ever honestly be called receptive) or the female already mated. I don't remember the color patterns from earlier matings/females but after a recent mating the female turned black with bright spots and then cooled to green with bright spots after she was in her own cage.

They weren't together for a week, that was some bad advice Morph was given.
I completely disagree with your assessment of female receptivity.
The female must be receptive.

I completely disagree with your assessment of female receptivity.
The female must be receptive.
I'm pretty sure I didn't say what you think you read, check over the second part of that sentence. If a female doesn't look like this then the issue is most likely the male isn't big enough. Even the receptive females are aggressive and put up a fight.


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My receptive females are pussys when they are receptive, even my nasty one! However, the male must be old enough. Even the inexperienced adult with catch on quickly while the juvenile just doesn't know the hows, whys or whens. I had a juvie mount a female backwards. LOL She turned over on the branch and walked away.
My male is bigger than her, he is 18months old. He displays but doesn't do any of the head bobbing or anything else.
My male is bigger than her, he is 18months old. He displays but doesn't do any of the head bobbing or anything else.
He's that old and isn't a few times her size? If he shows no interest maybe you just have a bum male.
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