Worried owner



I am a new Chameleon owner. We have a little male Yemen chameleon which we have only had for 2 weeks. He is our 1st chameleon but we have other reptiles. Today he seems lethargic and weak. He is not moving around as he normally does and his eyes seem a little sunken in. He also doesn't seem interested in food.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Male Yemen chameleon, not sure on age but brought from pet shop 2 weeks ago. He is only small.
Handling - Every couple of day for about 2 mins.
Feeding - We are feeding crickets that are gut loaded and dusted with nutrobal. He has about 5 or 6. They are put in his enclosure in the morning.
Supplements - Dusted with nutrobal.
Watering - We have a little dripper running all day and he is misted twice a day. We don't see him drinking much he normally sits on the top leaves and drinks straight from the drop off the top.
Fecal Description - Dropping are brown and white and they have not been tested for parasites.
History - I have not had any problems but we have only had him 2 weeks.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Zoo Med ReptiBreeze Open Air Screen Cage Medium 40x40x76cm
Lighting - He has a basking bulb and a reptisun 5.0 bulb
Temperature - Temp is 18 degrees on the cage floor and 29.5 degrees at the top.
Humidity - Humidity is generally around 45 to 50%. I spray regally and I have real plants in the enclosure.
Plants - I have ficus and umbrella plants.
Placement - The cage is in the corner of my living room and the top if the cage is above eye level.
Location - England

Current Problem - He seems to have no energy with little interest in food. Also his eyes seem a little sunken in. Not a lot though. I am worried about the little George. We haven't had him long and I would hate to think that we are doing something wrong. He just isn't him self today and it has got me worried I would be so upset if anything happened to him. Sorry if I am being a neurotic new owner. He is our 1st chameleon and I want to do what is right for him.
you are not being neurotic at all. There is definitely something wrong with your chameleon with the symptoms you are describing. Dehydration can cause a chameleon to go down quickly. Not saying that is the case here but a possibility. All things in your set up seem fine and pretty much what we all do with our chameleons to keep them healthy. I am thinking it is possible that your chameleon has parasites. Is there any fresh poop in the cage that you could collect to get tested? I would try dripping water directly on his nose for a few minutes and see if you can get him to drink. I know he is sick now but maybe try not to handle him so much
I will try to find some to get it tested but i don't want to disturb him too much. Should I increase his misting? What about him not eating? I just want him too be all right. He only about 8cms long (body only) so he is still little. Is showering him recommended or is that a no no?
you should not have his dripper on all day.only 3-4 times a day for 20mins each time.yes i would mist him 4 times a day.
well you could shower him yes, for hydration also. I like using an eye dropper. Something about dripping the water directly on their nose seems to get them to drink. As far as the eating, I would not force feed him yet. The poop has to be moist and not dried out. If you find a fresh one, then put it in a Ziploc baggy on a wet paper towel and store it in the fridge until you can get to a vet. I am not saying our cham for sure has parasites, but atleast you could rule that out if you can get a fecal done. Everything else in your set up seems fine so I don't know what to tell you. Usually there is something that stands right out like the temps are too high, or there is no uvb light., etc but I really don't see anything wrong. I don't know anything about Nutrobal but I have seen a lot of members in the UK that use it so I guess it is ok.
Thank you for your advice. I have just misted him again and I saw him drink from a leaf. Not a lot but its a start.
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