Wonder products


New Member
Which products have changed the way you keep chameleons for the better to make things easier on yourself

please share a few products, ideas, or items that come to mind

I'll start us off:

1: ShopVac
I have found making a daily poop and debris rounds at cage floor level with a shop vac cuts my cage sanitizing frequence in fourths
3. automatic mister. i feel like i dont spend any time with my cham now
because im not sitting infront of his cage misting him 3 times a day.
its kinda sad, but its better off.
4. Hydro-life solution for old/sick chameleons, much lesser known that Critical Care but an absolute god send for perking them up...
I will second the cool mist humidifier. My new tavetana seem really happy to have 70 -100 percent humidity and perfect conditions. I cant wait to see if I cant get some hatchlings.

Also cricketfood.com cricket gutload. This makes me feel better in having a more rounded gutload for my guys. I hated having like 10 different fruits and veggies rotting away in the fridge because I couldnt use them fast enough. I still rotate fruits and veggies but to a less degree. It is also very time saving.
Having friends that enjoy the same hobby so I can ask questions and know I get good answers is the best thing ever.
Silk worm chow. Raise silks all year round and you dont have to secretly rob your neighbors trees.
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