Who's the boss?


Established Member
Was giving Chief a shower session to help with some remaining shed left. He wasn't too thrilled with me when I ended his shower session earlier than he wanted to!

This was getting out of the shower, and showing me who's the boss....

..... and then the little pouty face I get when he has to go back in his cage from his free range area.
I have a question about 'chameleon showers', at what age do they start to enjoy showering or even enjoy being misted? Or do they? Cause all of mine always run from water lol
Hipster chameleon adjusts his ironic bow tie.


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I have a question about 'chameleon showers', at what age do they start to enjoy showering or even enjoy being misted? Or do they? Cause all of mine always run from water lol

Some chams never like showers, others do. That will depend on your Cham. Mine run from misting in their cages, then settle down and enjoy it.
I have a question about 'chameleon showers', at what age do they start to enjoy showering or even enjoy being misted? Or do they? Cause all of mine always run from water lol
Some days he likes it and some days he doesn't. He's a stubborn drinker, and he hates his mistking mister, and loves his dripper. During the summer he spent time on my orchid rack hanging on my vandas roots while a sprinkler would water them, going through a shade cloth to produce a most misty like watering, plus drops from above - he really enjoyed it! However the weather is getting cooler and the water is too cool for him to enjoy his outside watering time. He's had some shed stuck on his toes, so a warm shower helps with that too!

Hipster chameleon adjusts his ironic bow tie.
This is too cute!! haha!

He is beautiful. Not sure why people think chams have no expressions.:)
Thank you Laurie! November 3rd will be a year since I've had him! Not bad for a newbie! ;)
I have a question about 'chameleon showers', at what age do they start to enjoy showering or even enjoy being misted? Or do they? Cause all of mine always run from water lol

It depends.....

For a start do you use warm water, instead of cold?

This can make a difference.

I always use warm water but, my 5 month old Panther HATES it... he will run from the mister, so I try and mist the places that he isn't in.

On the other hand, my adult Veiled male absolutely loves it. I spray his cage for 5 mins every morning with warm water and he actively seeks it out, as soon as he sees the water, he actually comes to the top of the cage, to where I am misting, sits in front of it, and turns from side to side, with his little eyes closed so that he gets full benefit. I think he thinks its his morning shower.

Some like it, some don't.
Mine hated water even a little misting now I have been her in an outdoor cage and hosing her with lots of water and now she enjoys it. it took about 2 weeks
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