Where to keep a Cham

I would suggest reading the various care sheets in different chameleons under the care resources tab on the keft hand side. These will answer many of your questions
You would want to keep your enclosure in a room that does not have a lot of traffic or activity. Having too much activity in the room can cause stress for your chameleon. From the questions you have asked here and in another post it sounds like you are at the beginning of learning about these creatures. The care resources area of the forums have a lot of good basic information about chameleon care. I strongly urge you to read these pages and to learn everything you can about feeding and housing them before you purchase one.
You will definitely want to read up on this forum. I have already learned so much from being on here for 5 minutes. Anyways, like Ridgebax said, the room should be a place where your chameleon won't be easy prey to guests. In my case, I have friends over quite often to hang out and I know that they would want to play with the chameleon, if not mess with it because they do not understand that these creatures aren't meant to be handled like a furry creature.
So would a bedroom be ok because when my friends come round we don't go in my bedroom and would the crickets/food get loose in my room
So would a bedroom be ok because when my friends come round we don't go in my bedroom and would the crickets/food get loose in my room
YUM yes! Crickets are good for both Cham and owner :] bedroom is just fine! It's fine to keep your Cham in a place where people will be... Assuming they will respect the Cham and not get too close and be obnoxious with it.
Mouse glue pad works to catch loose crickets. toss it in a spot near the Chameleon cage in an area where the cricket will likely escape to when you drop it while feeding. I am trying to switch to roaches myself because crickets smell awful, and I do wildlife removal for a living. Skunks smell like money, crickets smell like death:)
I think John means people traffic:), as in lots of movement near the enclosure. Can be very upsetting for a new chameleon especially. Although once settled can (with the right species/individual) actually be of benefit to your chameleon & help them get used to people.
I don't think the weather in the UK will allow for a lot of outdoor time, but it is nice to take them outside on warm sunny days if you have a secure location for them or can stay outside and watch them. And the traffic that was mentioned is indeed people traffic and activity in the room. For instance you would not want to put them in a play room full of children or an area with a lot of loud noise. I kept mine in my living room on opposite sides of the room so they could not see each other.
We have actually had some very good cham weather this summer in the uk. Shame the chameleons i keep now are not really suited to being kept outdoors.
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