Where can I get Locust or Grashoppers


New Member
Please don't say in my backyard because my hubby said that and didn't believe me but there are no Grasshoppers or Locusts.
I'am from Germany and I was so used to buy them at the petstore in large numbers. They were better to feed then crickets. And I heard that they are even better for Chameleons when it comes to nutrition. Also I always think about variety. They don't escape so easy either.
In Germany I had to buy sticky traps for the Crickets on the loose cuz they were impossible to catch.
Anyway, I even researched on google but didn't find anybody here in the states who breeds and sells them.
i think they are considered a pest and technically illegal to sell in the US. which is why you don't see any of the feeder suppliers selling them :mad:
But i think some members breed them.. maybe u can convince someone to part with some if you wanted to try and breed them.
I do hear Chams love them.
also be careful what you feed off if u do catch any .. some are poisonous or can contain pesticides
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