What reptile can live perfectly in this enclosure??!

I agree with Flux. You are being quite judgmental here. The irresponsible thing to do would be to get an animal first without any appropriate accommodations in which to keep it. You can be considering a new pet without knowing exactly what kind of pet it will be. Getting the cage first allows time to research the most appropriate inhabitant options for what you have and set up the best environment BEFORE getting a pet. I see absolutely nothing wrong with that at all.

Your right, I re-read my post and it was a judgemental statement. Flux, sorry about that.

I respect that everyone has an opinion and encourage that people feel comfortable to speak those; right, wrong, or indifferent. I don't want to come off arrogant or jugemental, it was a human mistake in articulating my thoughts. My sincerest apologies and hope others continue to provide Charm with ideas for his research.
: )
gonna be hard to keep any reptile in there really since a fish tank has no ventilation unless there is no lid on top :| or you made your own lid some how.

How about keeping a bugs such as tarantulas or even a scorpion? Maybe some land snails or some salamanders?
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