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Hi I was viewing threads on this site and came across a thingy I can't figure out what it is. I saved the photo and will post a pic of the black thingy this is for information and don't want any thouble with copyright photo will get deleted for that purpose. Improving my chams is my mission here. Thanks
You mean like a zoomed automatic mister? Where you get one for cheap?
You can make one (there are some threads on here about how to make a high quality mister) or you can just buy a nice mist king or aquazamp. Those two are the best and definitely worth the money.
Yeah, I have a mist king set up in my cage for about 2 years now. It works great since i can't always be there to hand mist. I also use a dripper too to make sure they stay hydrated. If you decided on a misting system though I would make sure you have a good drainage system as the water will need a place to go.
I checked out mistking and would help out a lot but its the cost. I been working to many hours and only day i get is Sunday. I been using silkworms and eat like two a day works for food. Dehydration is a severe factor right now for me. Drippers are just soaking everything. My girls are doing very well expect male panther. I need like at the grocery store when your getting veggies fruit and a misting comes on.
The basic mist king system is 99 bucks. I know it can seem like alot, but trust me,,its the best product out there.

and its totally worth buying it. espeically if you work and cant be home to mist him,.
If you can't afford a good misting system right now, your best bet are going to be drippers and/or making your own misting system. I believe there is a thread that has instructions on how to make a mister for about $50 or so using supplies from home improvement stores. Or, if you have good tap water, you can make a misting system that hooks up directly to a faucet. On ebay, they have patio misting systems that connect to a hose faucet outside and you can use those to make one for your cages IF your water is okay to use for the chameleons. Then just buy a garden hose timer and use that.
I live in North/Central California where it's pretty dry for most of the year, but I have had great success using a forty dollar fogging humidifier set up on top of the cage. You can find them at target, on amazon, at walmart, etc. I like it because the fog falls right into the cage and beads up all over the plants without getting excess water all over the place. Originally I wanted to get a misting system, but I read a ton of reviews on amazon and it seems like the electronic control systems on cheaper brandds don't last very long, and like you, I am always trying to find effective but inexpensive options.
Thank you for your recommendations I will see if I can make one myself or last draw is a mistking. Drippers are a pain in the butt been trying them. I lost my male panther chameleon Tuesday finally gave up. My females are what I have left not eating and not showing signs of bloating eggs. Looking like mbd taking effect.
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