What is a normal color for a baby veiled??


New Member
I picked up my new cham late Saturday night (he was my b-day present to myself). I did not get to see him in the light till Sunday morning and that is when I noticed he had sunken in eyes and unusual coloring. I have been misting the heck out of him and put him in the shower and he totally freaks on me. He does drink from his dripper and misted plants and eat like crazy so I know he is doing well. What has me really concerned is his clumsiness and most of all his color.
He falls off his branches all the time and misses his crickets all the time. I think he is just still learning??. He is three months old and brown. He is a deep brown when he is mad, a light brown when he just wakes up and when he is fired up and warm he is like the color of ET when Elliott found him in the river a pale dead whiteish. His casque and under side is pale yellow at that time too.
When he is pissed or cooler he is deep brown with olive green tint. I am not sure if this is a sign of sickness or what??
Does anyone one here know what normal is for a baby veiled??
Falling off branches, missing crickets and sunken eyes are all not normal, at least anything Ive heard. Sure it happens normally I'm sure but rarely. Only time I saw my babies miss food was when it was too far. I'd take him to a vet at that point
He falls off the branches when he goes to catch a cricket and misses(usually because he is not close enough). He missed about 4 out of 10 tries this morning. I will take him in the morning. I have to take my panther in anyways for a routine eye problem.
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This is him when he has been sprayed and is mad. He has never been handled so the sight of me pisses him off. Is this normal???
In pics more of a yellow color shows up then when I am just looking at him.


This is his usual color, I have yet to get a pic of him really pale and really light yellow-- he gets dark and mad when he sees me...:p

I will take him in to the vet. I really don't want to give him up. I will see if I can bring him around if he has any problems.
I did not buy him from a breeder or a pet store. I bought him from a very sweet lady who found him on the floor of the garage in the house she was selling (The guy that owned the house owns a well known local herp shop). He was about two inches long and she took him to petsmart and they sold her what she needed for him. She tried. I only paid 75.00 for him and will just try and get him in better shape. I like the guy just not sure about his color. Maybe he will be a duller colored chameleon :confused:
Doesn't look too bad, looks like (looks like a he so I'll say he) he is stressed. He's plump in the tail and round all abouts. The eyes don't look too terribly sunken and kinda more contoured to his facial features. Looks like he needs to get use to his new enviorment getting use to his footing while hunting try to give him alot of alone time for a couple days and see if he starts showing more green. Where did you get him by the way? Was he exposed to alot of people tapping on his enclosure? If so that can make them pretty shakey and clumbsy as he is looking at people and not where he is walking. Same thing with missing his target and footing.. Got too much going on around him. Needs to settle in and feel relaxed.
Trion thanks for the advice.
I posted above your post where I got him.
He was kept in the kitchen on the counter at his old house (in a tiny enclosure). I keep him in my reptile room that is actually my computer room. It is the quietest place in the house. I put him outside during the day while it is nice and bring his enclosure and him back in, in the evenings. It is getting to like late 50's at night now but is about 85 and sunny during the day.
He is real freaked out by everything (more so then when I got my adult panther who was never around anyone, and kept outdoors on the side of the house with no intrusions) I leave him alone for the most part except for misting and feeding. The first time I got him out was today to take pics.
Can taking him in and out for fresh sunshine be making things worse? Should I just leave him in? I am just trying to let him get some natural sunlight before winter hits. I don't mind leaving him in if it will benefit him.
My panther loves going outside and is so much more calm and does not mind going in and out twice a day. I figured he would enjoy it too???
I may be making matters worse:confused:
If he was kept in a kitchen counter lol...yes please get him as much sun as you can. Taking him in and out will be fine. Sounds like its getting cold there at night though so bring him in the evenings. If he doesn't get enough just make sure your supplementing D3 and calcium for him. That should make him better, definitely more than he was
If he was kept in a kitchen counter lol...yes please get him as much sun as you can. Taking him in and out will be fine. Sounds like its getting cold there at night though so bring him in the evenings. If he doesn't get enough just make sure your supplementing D3 and calcium for him. That should make him better, definitely more than he was
Yeah, I thought I should take advantage of the sun while the weather was still good. I probably have a couple months left that he can go outside during the day. He never had calcium D3 only plain calcium once a week. I started him on D3 and give it every other day. The in between days I do reptivite.
I am going to get him looked at tomorrow and then leave him be.
Yea he doesnt look bad to me...i guess his eyes could be a bit more bulgy but they dont look sunken in to me. See if you can get a shot of him looking down on the top of his head. I dont think a vet visit is necessary at this point.
Trion thanks for the advice.
I posted above your post where I got him.
He was kept in the kitchen on the counter at his old house (in a tiny enclosure). I keep him in my reptile room that is actually my computer room. It is the quietest place in the house. I put him outside during the day while it is nice and bring his enclosure and him back in, in the evenings. It is getting to like late 50's at night now but is about 85 and sunny during the day.
He is real freaked out by everything (more so then when I got my adult panther who was never around anyone, and kept outdoors on the side of the house with no intrusions) I leave him alone for the most part except for misting and feeding. The first time I got him out was today to take pics.
Can taking him in and out for fresh sunshine be making things worse? Should I just leave him in? I am just trying to let him get some natural sunlight before winter hits. I don't mind leaving him in if it will benefit him.
My panther loves going outside and is so much more calm and does not mind going in and out twice a day. I figured he would enjoy it too???
I may be making matters worse:confused:

50's at night is too cold for v.cham..
try to get the cage temp no less than 60 or 65
It gets in the 50's outside at night and that is why I bring him inside. He stays around 70-72 at night in the house. It is around mid 80's during the day outside that is why I take him outside.
His eyes are not that visible from the top of his head but they do look a little better than when I picked him up. I see him drink water readily from his drip and off the leaves after I mist him. The first thing he did when I sprayed him Sunday morning was drink like crazy. She never misted him just left a drip bottle.
Wow okay didn't know that it was found on a garrage floor or how long ago.. How are his nails? I bet the garrage floor really stressed him out with nothing to grip on to and perhaps even filed his nails down a bit. Plus he might had eaten a few odd things here and there while on his own. Its good to see that he was rescued and that the old lady attempted to do her best. I'm sure you will get him around to beeing 100% since he looks good just needs a boost.
Wow okay didn't know that it was found on a garrage floor or how long ago.. How are his nails? I bet the garrage floor really stressed him out with nothing to grip on to and perhaps even filed his nails down a bit. Plus he might had eaten a few odd things here and there while on his own. Its good to see that he was rescued and that the old lady attempted to do her best. I'm sure you will get him around to beeing 100% since he looks good just needs a boost.
His nails seem fine.
The house was empty for about 3-4 days when she found him. She said when she found him he was maybe 1 and 1/2-to 2 inches total in body length. She said she saw it moving and was going to kick it out of the garage thinking it was a grasshopper or bug. Then he caught her eye again and she knew it wasn't a ordinary lizard and she put it in a cup and took him to petsmart to discover what he was. It is really kind of a cute story. That was 2 months ago. She kept him for two months but is moving so she put him up for sale.
Why cant I ever find anything that cool?
Catch him sleeping tonight. You might see some new colors in him. I would suspect that you will see green and more of his natural colors while he is asleep and relaxed.
I just took a flash lite and checked him out. He is light yellow on the edges of his body and dark brown in the middle. His head is almost white.
When he is nice and heated up he is real pale almost pastel with hints of brown and sporadic white spots too and his head turns almost white?? Maybe he is a color misfit?? Not sure how to word that.
This is the only picture I can find that shows the color of his head when he is sleeping or warmed up good.
I just wanted to point out that he definately doesn't look like a "baby" veiled. I would be guessing at least 7 months old or older. He looks pretty good to me as well, and the eyes don't look too bad. Keep up the misting and things should peak up.

He is probably brown because of all the stress from moving around. The more he is handled the more stressed he will be. Veileds can have big attitudes when it comes to handling. Mine used to tolerate it but now will strike at me when I come near.

The thing that really concerns me is this lady getting advise from Petsmart or whereever. I've yet to fine a big chain store that knew enough to give out the proper advice...
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