what do you do when the powers out?

ours went out due to a storm once. Luckly it wasnt out that long. I think they should be ok as long as temps dont get too high or too low. As far as UVB, not sure how long without one is ok. for one day should be ok tho....
Flashlights wont do squat. I have heated the house with the gas stove before but dont really suggest that. Warm water bottles and heat packs can be your best friend if it is cold, misters in the heat, and they will be fine for a few days with no lights.
I wasn't too worried about the missing of uvb but if my cham went to bed then they come on 3 hours later right before bedtime or something shed probably be pissed. Flashlights or a home generator seemsbto be my only option.
Well...if it were me and the temps were dropping, I'd use hand warmers that are sold in the hunting department of most Walmart, Kmart, etc. These are in packets that you crush, creating a chemical reaction.

These put out quite a bit of heat, but I'd put them in a cloth, not let them be exposed to the cham.

I'd also consider putting him in a small cardboard container with the handwarmers, BUT, I'd really monitor the heat FREQUENTLY to make sure the container doesn't get too hot.

As for humidity, use a hand sprayer. I use a MistKing, but my back-up is the Habba portable and I have plenty of "C" cell batteries o hand. I chose a back-up system, snce we ARE in Hurrocane Season here in FL.

The heating packets may sound extreme and putting youg cham in a small box may stress him out, but I'd rather have him warm than cold!

Tampa, FL
Turn up your faucets and showers as hot as they can to try to increase humidity. It can also increase temps depending on how close they are to cham.
We had a really bad storm come through the area just a few weeks ago and unfortunately lost power for the first time in awhile! The storm happened early afternoon and left the basement where Nasir's cage is very dark. I was worried about him not being able to bask and messing up his sleep patterns! Luckily the storm cleared up very quickly and I was able to put Nasir in his outdoor reptarium with a hibiscus while we were waiting for power! The power luckily turned back on before midnight and I let Nasir spend the rest of the night outside.

Some people were out of power for several days to a week so I felt extremely fortunate to have gotten power back. I would say use it as a chance to get your chameleon outside if weather permits. It's funny how us Cham owners are much more worried about our lizards when the powers out rather than our usual luxuries and what's in the freezer!:eek:
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